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Potential shift of bacterial community structure and corrosion-related bacteria in drinking water distributionpipeline driven by water source switching

Yue Hu, Ding Dong, Kun Wan, Chao Chen, Xin Yu, Huirong Lin

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1320-3

Abstract: As a result of pollution in the present water sources, cities have been forced to utilize cleaner waterThree types of finished water were used for simulation, the polluted source water from the Qiantang and(14.5%) clearly replaced Novosphingobium, Aquabacterium, and Cupriavidus as new dominant genera in systemwas in a downtrend, which leads to a great reduction in the risk of bacterial leakage in the produced drinkingwater.

Keywords: Drinking water biosafety     Water source switching     Drinking water distribution system     Transition effects    

Molecular analysis of bacterial community in the tap water with different water ages of a drinking waterdistribution system

Feng Wang, Weiying Li, Yue Li, Junpeng Zhang, Jiping Chen, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1020-4

Abstract: Bacterial community in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) was regulated by multiple environmentalfactors, many of which varied as a function of water age.In this study, four water samples with different water ages, including finished water (FW, 0 d) and tapagents other than chlorine or agents that can act synergically with chlorine should be developed for drinkingwater disinfection.

Keywords: Bacterial community     Water age     High-throughput sequencing technique     Drinking water distribution system    

dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in urban drinkingwater system: A review

Qiaowen Tan, Weiying Li, Junpeng Zhang, Wei Zhou, Jiping Chen, Yue Li, Jie Ma

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1120-9


Reviewed the change of ARGs and ARB in full-scale urban drinkingwater systems.

Keywords: Antibiotic resistant bacteria     Antibiotic resistance genes     Water source     Drinking water treatment plant     Drinking water distribution system     Urban drinking water system    

A red water occurrence in drinking water distribution systems caused by changes in water source in Beijing

ZHANG Xiaojian,MI Zilong,WANG Yang,LIU Shuming,NIU Zhangbin,LU Pinpin,WANG Jun,GU Junnong,CHEN Chao

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3,   Pages 417-426 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0558-4

Abstract: A red water phenomenon occurred in several communities few days after the change of water source in BeijingThe results indicated that a significant increase in sulphate concentration as a result of the new watersource was the cause of the red water phenomenon.The mechanism of iron release was found that the high-concentration sulphate in the new water source-fold higher than that occurring within the local source water.

Keywords: iron release     drinking water distribution system     sulphate     phosphate     red water control     water quality stability    

Application of Ice Pigging in a Drinking Water Distribution System: Impacts on Pipes and Bulk Water Quality Article

Yujing Huang, Zhiwei Chen, Guilin He, Yu Shao, Shuang Song, Feilong Dong, Tuqiao Zhang

Engineering 2024, Volume 40, Issue 9,   Pages 122-130 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.09.016


Ice pigging is an emerging technique for pipe cleaning in drinking water distribution systems.However, substantial confusion and controversy exist on the potential impacts of ice pigging on bulk waterthe microstructural features and composition of sediments and microbial community structures in bulk waterwith different materials in complex networks could mitigate the risk of losing ice pigs and degrading waterThe bacterial richness and diversity of bulk water decreased significantly after ice pigging.

Keywords: Ice pigging     Pipe cleaning     Drinking water distribution system     Bacterial community     Sediments    

Impact of total organic carbon and chlorine to ammonia ratio on nitrification in a bench-scale drinkingwater distribution system

Yongji ZHANG, Lingling ZHOU, Guo ZENG, Huiping DENG, Guibai LI

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 430-437 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0247-5

Abstract: Nitrification occurs in chloraminated drinking water systems and is affected by water quality parametersimpact of total organic carbon and chlorine to ammonia ratio on nitrification potential in a simulated drinkingwater distribution system as during chloramination.Bulk water with a high TOC level supported the occurrence of nitrification, and AOB development occurred

Keywords: nitrification     drinking water     ammonia- oxidizing bacteria (AOB)     chloramines     organic carbon     heterotrophic    

A modeling system for drinking water sources and its application to Jiangdong Reservoir in Xiamen city

Pengfei DU, Zhiyi LI, Jinliang HUANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 5,   Pages 735-745 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0560-x

Abstract: Drinking water sources are highly valued by authorities for safeguarding the life of a city.This paper introduces a drinking water source simulation and prediction system that consists of a watershedThis system provides methods and technical guidance for the conventional management of water sourcesmodel was indirectly integrated into the system through a network platform.Furthermore, three applications for Jiangdong Reservoir water protection utilizing the system were introduced

Keywords: water source     integrated modeling system     prediction     Jiulong River    

Hazard and vulnerability evaluation of water distribution system in cases of contamination intrusion

Kunlun XIN, Tao TAO, Yong WANG, Suiqing LIU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 6,   Pages 839-848 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0409-8

Abstract: In this paper, it proposed an index system for hazard and vulnerability evaluations of water distributionThe presented method was therefore applied to the water network of the city of Zhenjiang, which containstwo water plants, two booster pump stations with storage tanks.and the total absorption are the most important factors in hazard and vulnerability evaluation of the waterdistribution network.

Keywords: water distribution network     hazard     vulnerability     contaminant accident    

Nanofiltration for drinking water treatment: a review

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 5,   Pages 681-698 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2103-5

Abstract: In recent decades, nanofiltration (NF) is considered as a promising separation technique to produce drinkingwater from different types of water source.In this paper, we comprehensively reviewed the progress of NF-based drinking water treatment, throughprovide potential insights for future development of high-efficiency NF membranes for stable and reliable drinkingwater treatment.

Keywords: nanofiltration     drinking water     disinfection byproducts     micropollutants     selectivity    

Emergency drinking water treatment in source water pollution incident-technology and practice in China

Xiaojian ZHANG , Chao CHEN ,

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 364-368 doi: 10.1007/s11783-009-0027-2

Abstract: An investigation into emergency potable water treatment technologies was conducted to investigate China’s water pollution situation.This paper presents the three largest and most significant water pollution incidents in China to dateRiver in November 2005, the cadmium pollution incident in the Beijiang River in December 2005, and the watercrisis with odorous tap water in Wuxi City in May 2007.

Keywords: emergency drinking water treatment     water pollution     adsorption     oxidation     precipitation    

Responses of bacterial strains isolated from drinking water environments to N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones

Zhuoying WU, Qing WANG, Feng GUO, Shenghua ZHANG, Qipei JIANG, Xin YU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 2,   Pages 205-214 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0492-5

Abstract: Often as a result of biofilm formation, drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) are regularly facedIn the present study, 22 bacterial strains were isolated from drinking water-related environments.

Keywords: drinking water distribution systems (DWDS)     biofilm     quorum sensing (QS)     N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones (    

What have we known so far about microplastics in drinking water treatment? A timely review

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1492-5


• 23 available research articles on MPs in drinking water treatment

Keywords: Microplastics     Drinking water treatment     Coagulation     Flocculation     Membrane     Filtration    

Comparative genotoxicity of water processed by three drinking water treatment plants with different water

Ting Zhang, Heze Liu, Yiyuan Zhang, Wenjun Sun, Xiuwei Ao

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1214-4

Abstract: Genotoxicity of substances is unknown in the water after treatment processes.chemicals, and disinfection byproducts in modern drinking water treatment plants.following the different water treatment processes.In this study, samples were collected from three drinking water treatment plants with different treatmentindicated that biological activated carbon reduced the genotoxicity by 38%, 77%, and 46% in the three drinking

Keywords: Drinking water     Treatment process     Genotoxicity     Umu test     Ecological Structure-Activity Relationship    

UV/Chlorine-BAC treatment of antidepressant drug in drinking water: efficacy, process optimization, and

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 10, doi: 10.1007/s11783-024-1887-1


● Amitriptyline in drinking water can be effectively removed by UV/

Keywords: UV/Chlorine-BAC     Amitriptyline removal     Drinking water     Microbial community    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Potential shift of bacterial community structure and corrosion-related bacteria in drinking water distributionpipeline driven by water source switching

Yue Hu, Ding Dong, Kun Wan, Chao Chen, Xin Yu, Huirong Lin

Journal Article

Molecular analysis of bacterial community in the tap water with different water ages of a drinking waterdistribution system

Feng Wang, Weiying Li, Yue Li, Junpeng Zhang, Jiping Chen, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wu

Journal Article

dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes in urban drinkingwater system: A review

Qiaowen Tan, Weiying Li, Junpeng Zhang, Wei Zhou, Jiping Chen, Yue Li, Jie Ma

Journal Article

A red water occurrence in drinking water distribution systems caused by changes in water source in Beijing

ZHANG Xiaojian,MI Zilong,WANG Yang,LIU Shuming,NIU Zhangbin,LU Pinpin,WANG Jun,GU Junnong,CHEN Chao

Journal Article

Application of Ice Pigging in a Drinking Water Distribution System: Impacts on Pipes and Bulk Water Quality

Yujing Huang, Zhiwei Chen, Guilin He, Yu Shao, Shuang Song, Feilong Dong, Tuqiao Zhang

Journal Article

Correction to: Distribution characteristics and removal rate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistancegenes in different treatment processes of two drinking water plants

Journal Article

Impact of total organic carbon and chlorine to ammonia ratio on nitrification in a bench-scale drinkingwater distribution system

Yongji ZHANG, Lingling ZHOU, Guo ZENG, Huiping DENG, Guibai LI

Journal Article

A modeling system for drinking water sources and its application to Jiangdong Reservoir in Xiamen city

Pengfei DU, Zhiyi LI, Jinliang HUANG

Journal Article

Hazard and vulnerability evaluation of water distribution system in cases of contamination intrusion

Kunlun XIN, Tao TAO, Yong WANG, Suiqing LIU

Journal Article

Nanofiltration for drinking water treatment: a review

Journal Article

Emergency drinking water treatment in source water pollution incident-technology and practice in China

Xiaojian ZHANG , Chao CHEN ,

Journal Article

Responses of bacterial strains isolated from drinking water environments to N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones

Zhuoying WU, Qing WANG, Feng GUO, Shenghua ZHANG, Qipei JIANG, Xin YU

Journal Article

What have we known so far about microplastics in drinking water treatment? A timely review

Journal Article

Comparative genotoxicity of water processed by three drinking water treatment plants with different water

Ting Zhang, Heze Liu, Yiyuan Zhang, Wenjun Sun, Xiuwei Ao

Journal Article

UV/Chlorine-BAC treatment of antidepressant drug in drinking water: efficacy, process optimization, and

Journal Article