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A network security entity recognition method based on feature template and CNN-BiLSTM-CRF Research Papers
Ya QIN, Guo-wei SHEN, Wen-bo ZHAO, Yan-ping CHEN, Miao YU, Xin JIN
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2019, Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 872-884 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1800520
By network security threat intelligence analysis based on a security knowledge graph (SKG), multi-sourceIt is difficult for traditional named entity recognition methods to identify mixed security entitiesin Chinese and English in the field of network security, and there are difficulties in accurately identifyingnetwork security entities because of insufficient features extracted.In this paper, we propose a novel FT-CNN-BiLSTM-CRF security entity recognition method based on a neural
Keywords: Network security entity Security knowledge graph (SKG) Entity recognition Feature template Neural network
Frontiers of Engineering Management 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 143-158 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0273-1
Keywords: knowledge graph construction industrial BiLSTM-CRF document-level relation extraction graph inference
Automatically building large-scale named entity recognition corpora from Chinese Wikipedia
Jie ZHOU,Bi-cheng LI,Gang CHEN
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2015, Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages 940-956 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500067
Keywords: NER corpora Chinese Wikipedia Entity classification Domain adaptation Corpus selection
Summarization of Network Security
Li Ying,Shan Xiuming,Ren Yong
Strategic Study of CAE 2004, Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 10-15
The content of computer network security is discussed in this article Firstly, the concept, systemand structure and model of computer network security are given.
The Current Network Security Situation and Emergency Network Response
Liu Xinran、Li Baisong、Chang Anqi、Lu Hui、Tian Zhihong
Strategic Study of CAE 2016, Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 83-88 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.06.017
Considering the emergence of recent network security threats, this article presents network securitySome problems exist in emergency management of the status quo; the core technology and security assurancetraditional areas in order to improve current emergency technical measures becomes an important part of proposes a multi-linkage elimination method that can mobilize system strength and protect against network
Keywords: network security threat information security emergency response emergency system
Entity and relation extraction with rule-guided dictionary as domain knowledge
Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 610-622 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0226-0
Keywords: entity extraction relation extraction prior knowledge domain rule
A review on cyber security named entity recognition Review Article
Chen Gao, Xuan Zhang, Mengting Han, Hui Liu,
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2021, Volume 22, Issue 9, Pages 1153-1168 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000286
Keywords: 命名实体识别(NER);信息抽取;网络空间安全;机器学习;深度学习
Current Status and Future Development of Cyberspace Security in Rail Transit Industry
Peng Yihua, Liu Mingyuan, Gao Shuai, Su Wei, Zhang Hongke
Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 136-149 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.06.005
The wide application of network technologies has meanwhile brought aboutbecome the double threats to the industry’s dedicated network and the traditional network architecturerestricts network security and reliability in the rail transit, (3) improving the operation and management of network security, and (4) enhancing talent cultivationfor network security in the rail transit industry.
Keywords: rail transit cyberspace security network architecture customized network network attack
Named entity recognition for Chinese construction documents based on conditional random field
Frontiers of Engineering Management 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 237-249 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0179-8
Keywords: NER NLP Chinese language construction document
Improving entity linking with two adaptive features Research Article
Hongbin ZHANG, Quan CHEN, Weiwen ZHANG
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2022, Volume 23, Issue 11, Pages 1620-1630 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2100495
(EL) is a fundamental task in natural language processing. Based on neural networks, existing systems pay more attention to the construction of the , but ignore latent semantic information in the and the acquisition of effective information. In this paper, we propose two , in which the first adaptive feature enables the local and s to capture latent information, and the second adaptive feature describes effective information for embeddings. These can work together naturally to handle some uncertain information for EL. Experimental results demonstrate that our EL system achieves the best performance on the AIDA-B and MSNBC datasets, and the best average performance on out-domain datasets. These results indicate that the proposed , which are based on their own diverse contexts, can capture information that is conducive for EL.
Keywords: Entity linking Local model Global model Adaptive features Entity type
Network Security Management and Protection of Industrial Internet Equipment
Ma Juan, Yu Guangchen, Ke Haoren, Yang Dongmei, Wushour Silamu
Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 81-87 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.02.011
Keywords: industrial Internet equipment network security management protection certification
Discussion on a new paradigm of endogenous security towards 6G networks Review
Xinsheng JI, Jiangxing WU, Liang JIN, Kaizhi HUANG, Yajun CHEN, Xiaoli SUN, Wei YOU, Shumin HUO, Jing YANG
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2022, Volume 23, Issue 10, Pages 1421-1450 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200060
The sixth-generation mobile communication (6G) networks will face more complex endogenous securityproblems, and it is urgent to propose new universal security theories and establish new practice normsto deal with the "unknown unknown" security threats in cyberspace.of 6G cyberspace security.of endogenous security and traditional security.
Keywords: 6G security New paradigm of endogenous security Core network Wireless access network
Innovative Development Strategy of New Network Technologies
Li Dan, Hu Yuxiang, Wu Jiangxing
Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 15-21 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.02.003
Yuan Hui,Wang Fengshan,Xu Jiheng,Fu Chengqun
Strategic Study of CAE 2013, Volume 15, Issue 5, Pages 106-112
Keywords: protective engineering component design quality entity model intuitionistic fuzzy sets superiority
Development of Intelligent Connection Computing Network Technologies
Li Dan , Hu Yuxiang , Pan Heng , Zhang Jianhui , Wu Jiangxing
Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 39-48 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.06.014
Keywords: intelligent connection computing network technology diversified protocol integration of network storage and computing intelligent arrangement of service functions endogenous security
Title Author Date Type Operation
A network security entity recognition method based on feature template and CNN-BiLSTM-CRF
Ya QIN, Guo-wei SHEN, Wen-bo ZHAO, Yan-ping CHEN, Miao YU, Xin JIN
Journal Article
Knowledge enhanced graph inference network based entity-relation extraction and knowledge graph construction
Journal Article
Automatically building large-scale named entity recognition corpora from Chinese Wikipedia
Jie ZHOU,Bi-cheng LI,Gang CHEN
Journal Article
The Current Network Security Situation and Emergency Network Response
Liu Xinran、Li Baisong、Chang Anqi、Lu Hui、Tian Zhihong
Journal Article
A review on cyber security named entity recognition
Chen Gao, Xuan Zhang, Mengting Han, Hui Liu,
Journal Article
Current Status and Future Development of Cyberspace Security in Rail Transit Industry
Peng Yihua, Liu Mingyuan, Gao Shuai, Su Wei, Zhang Hongke
Journal Article
Named entity recognition for Chinese construction documents based on conditional random field
Journal Article
Improving entity linking with two adaptive features
Hongbin ZHANG, Quan CHEN, Weiwen ZHANG
Journal Article
Network Security Management and Protection of Industrial Internet Equipment
Ma Juan, Yu Guangchen, Ke Haoren, Yang Dongmei, Wushour Silamu
Journal Article
Discussion on a new paradigm of endogenous security towards 6G networks
Xinsheng JI, Jiangxing WU, Liang JIN, Kaizhi HUANG, Yajun CHEN, Xiaoli SUN, Wei YOU, Shumin HUO, Jing YANG
Journal Article
Innovative Development Strategy of New Network Technologies
Li Dan, Hu Yuxiang, Wu Jiangxing
Journal Article
A decision-making method about the design quality of component-based active load section entity model
Yuan Hui,Wang Fengshan,Xu Jiheng,Fu Chengqun
Journal Article