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Molecular dynamics simulations of initial Pd and PdO nanocluster growth in a magnetron gas aggregation

Pascal Brault, William Chamorro-Coral, Sotheara Chuon, Amaël Caillard, Jean-Marc Bauchire, Stève Baranton, Christophe Coutanceau, Erik Neyts

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2,   Pages 324-329 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1792-5

Abstract: Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for describing growth of Pd and PdO nanoclusters usingThe role of the nanocluster temperature in the molecular dynamics simulated growth is highlighted.

Keywords: molecular dynamics     cluster growth     plasma sputtering     nanocatalyst    

Design of tandem genes cluster for isoflavone engineering

Xunli XIA PhD , Guangxiao YANG PhD , Guangyuan HE PhD ,

Frontiers of Medicine 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 292-296 doi: 10.1007/s11684-009-0057-y

Abstract: In this paper, a universal effective novel method of constructing tandem genes cluster for isoflavoneA tandem genes cluster () of secondary metabolites of plant isoflavones was constructed by using the

Keywords: isoflavones engineering     secondary metabolism     tandem genes cluster    

Understanding high-emitting households in the UK through a cluster analysis

Xinfang WANG, Ming MENG

Frontiers in Energy 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 612-625 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0647-6

Abstract: It applies a cluster approach, aiming to identify whether the high emitters comprise clusters where householdsin each cluster share similar characteristics but are different from the others.Policymakers should target each high-emitter cluster differently to reduce CO emissions from energy

Keywords: cluster analysis     emissions reduction     energy use     high emitters     household energy consumption     socioeconomic    

Scaling up of cluster beam deposition technology for catalysis application

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 6,   Pages 1360-1379 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2101-7

Abstract: Many research works have demonstrated that the combination of atomically precise cluster deposition andtheoretical calculations is able to address fundamental aspects of size-effects, cluster-support interactions, and reaction mechanisms of cluster materials.In this review, we introduce the latest progress on three types of cluster source which have the mostsource, and matrix assembly cluster source.

Keywords: nanoparticle     cluster     cluster beam deposition     magnetron sputtering     heterogeneous catalysis    

Economic Growth Model Based on Six Basic Factors of Production—Xu Growth Rate Equation

Shou-bo Xu,Zong-yuan Huang

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 160-175 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014024

Abstract: This paper proposes an economic growth model based on the Six Basic Factors of Production and Xu GrowthRate Equation for the first time, which fills-in the deficits of the New Classical Economic Growth Modeldecades, the consumption of six basic factors of production had complicated relations with economic growthrate of the basic factors of production was meager, but the economy witnessed relatively rocketing growthrate; in some years, the factors of production consumption rate was very high, but the economy growth

Keywords: six basic factors of production     economic growth model     Xu Growth Rate Equation    

Fuzzy cluster analysis of tapered roller bearing vibration

Liu Jinjun,Xia Xintao,Zhang Lihong

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 7,   Pages 112-117


By using the fuzzy cluster analysis of grey system theory to analysis

Keywords: tapered roller bearing     vibration     fuzzy cluster analysis    

Determination of the principal factors of river water quality through cluster analysis method and its

Liang GUO, Ying ZHAO, Peng WANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 238-245 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0382-7

Abstract: through the analysis of the weight relation between influencing factors and forecasting object using cluster

Keywords: water quality forecast     principal factor     cluster analysis method     artificial neural network    

Urban spatial cluster structure in metro travel networks: An explorative study of Wuhan using big and

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2024, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 231-246 doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-0296-2

Abstract: This approach reflects the local governments’ expectations of substantial growth to reshape the urban

Keywords: urban spatial clusters     metro travel flows     land use     metro smartcard data     Wuhan    

Cluster voltage control method for “Whole County” distributed photovoltaics based on improved differential

Frontiers in Energy 2023, Volume 17, Issue 6,   Pages 782-795 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0905-8

Abstract: To address the problems, this paper proposes a cluster voltage control method for distributed photovoltaicThen, in each cluster, based on the control strategy of “reactive power compensation first, active power

Keywords: distributed photovoltaics (DPVs)     cluster partitioning     improved differential evolution algorithm     voltage    

A density functional theory study of methane activation on MgO supported NiM cluster: role of M on C–H

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 10,   Pages 1485-1492 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2169-8

Abstract: In present work, methane activation on MgO supported Ni–M (M = Fe, Co, Cu, Pd, Pt) cluster was exploredthrough detailed density functional theory calculations, compared to pure Ni cluster.CH4 adsorption on Cu promoted Ni cluster requires overcoming an energy of 0.07 eV, indicatingDoping elements of the same period in Ni cluster, such as Fe, Co and Cu, for C–H bond activation followsConsequently, C–H bond activation demands a lower energy barrier on Ni–Pt cluster.

Keywords: CH4 dissociation     Ni–M     C–H bond activation     charge transfer    

Clinical evaluation of recombinant human growth hormone injection in children with growth hormone deficiency

Ling HOU, Xiaoping LUO, Minlian DU, Huamei MA, Chunxiu GONG, Yuchuan LI, Shuixian SHEN, Zhuhui ZHAO, Li LIANG, Guanping DONG, Chaoying YAN, Hongwei DU

Frontiers of Medicine 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2,   Pages 171-176 doi: 10.1007/s11684-009-0027-4

Abstract: Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) has been widely used in the clinical treatment of growth hormoneof the current study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rhGH injection for the treatment of growthThe height (HT), annual growth velocity (GV), mean height standard deviation score (HT SDS), blood seruminsulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3), and boneWe conclude that rhGH injection is a safe and effective drug for treatment of growth hormone deficiency

Keywords: recombinant human growth hormone     injection     growth hormone deficiency    

Monte Carlo simulation of the diffusion-limited aggregating process of particle suspension systems

Jiajing XU, Lin ZHANG, Yongjian TANG, Wei DAI, Wenwen SHAN,

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 270-274 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0273-7

Abstract: In this paper, the aggregating process was simulated with off-lattice diffusion-limited cluster-clusteranalysis of gyration radius distribution and the existence of a scaling distribution of the reduced cluster

Keywords: cluster-cluster aggregation     distribution function     relationship     process     universal    

Molecular network-based intervention brings us closer to ending the HIV pandemic

Xiaoxu Han, Bin Zhao, Minghui An, Ping Zhong, Hong Shang

Frontiers of Medicine 2020, Volume 14, Issue 2,   Pages 136-148 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0756-y

Abstract: Precise identification of HIV transmission among populations is a key step in public health responses. However, the HIV transmission network is usually difficult to determine. HIV molecular networks can be determined by phylogenetic approach, genetic distance-based approach, and a combination of both approaches. These approaches are increasingly used to identify transmission networks among populations, reconstruct the history of HIV spread, monitor the dynamics of HIV transmission, guide targeted intervention on key subpopulations, and assess the effects of interventions. Simulation and retrospective studies have demonstrated that these molecular network-based interventions are more cost-effective than random or traditional interventions. However, we still need to address several challenges to improve the practice of molecular network-guided targeting interventions to finally end the HIV epidemic. The data remain limited or difficult to obtain, and more automatic real-time tools are required. In addition, molecular and social networks must be combined, and technical parameters and ethnic issues warrant further studies.

Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus type 1     molecular cluster     transmission cluster     risk network     targeted intervention    

Availability growth models and verification of power equipment

Jinyuan SHI, Jiamin XU

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2,   Pages 529-538 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0624-0

Abstract: The general availability growth models for large scale complicated repairable system such as electriccalculation formulas for the maintenance coefficient, mathematical expressions for general availability growthAvailability growth models for electric generating units, power station auxiliaries, and transmissionand distribution installations are given together with verification examples for availability growthmodels conform to rules of availability growth tendency of power equipment.

Keywords: station auxiliary     transmission and distribution installation     reliability     availability     availability growth    

implications of planting mode on cadmium uptake and remobilization in rice: Field experiments across growth

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1431-5


•Direct seeding (DS) method led to more distributed Cd in aerial parts of rice.

Keywords: Cadmium     Genotypes     Growth stages     Micro X-ray fluorescence     Planting mode    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Molecular dynamics simulations of initial Pd and PdO nanocluster growth in a magnetron gas aggregation

Pascal Brault, William Chamorro-Coral, Sotheara Chuon, Amaël Caillard, Jean-Marc Bauchire, Stève Baranton, Christophe Coutanceau, Erik Neyts

Journal Article

Design of tandem genes cluster for isoflavone engineering

Xunli XIA PhD , Guangxiao YANG PhD , Guangyuan HE PhD ,

Journal Article

Understanding high-emitting households in the UK through a cluster analysis

Xinfang WANG, Ming MENG

Journal Article

Scaling up of cluster beam deposition technology for catalysis application

Journal Article

Economic Growth Model Based on Six Basic Factors of Production—Xu Growth Rate Equation

Shou-bo Xu,Zong-yuan Huang

Journal Article

Fuzzy cluster analysis of tapered roller bearing vibration

Liu Jinjun,Xia Xintao,Zhang Lihong

Journal Article

Determination of the principal factors of river water quality through cluster analysis method and its

Liang GUO, Ying ZHAO, Peng WANG

Journal Article

Urban spatial cluster structure in metro travel networks: An explorative study of Wuhan using big and

Journal Article

Cluster voltage control method for “Whole County” distributed photovoltaics based on improved differential

Journal Article

A density functional theory study of methane activation on MgO supported NiM cluster: role of M on C–H

Journal Article

Clinical evaluation of recombinant human growth hormone injection in children with growth hormone deficiency

Ling HOU, Xiaoping LUO, Minlian DU, Huamei MA, Chunxiu GONG, Yuchuan LI, Shuixian SHEN, Zhuhui ZHAO, Li LIANG, Guanping DONG, Chaoying YAN, Hongwei DU

Journal Article

Monte Carlo simulation of the diffusion-limited aggregating process of particle suspension systems

Jiajing XU, Lin ZHANG, Yongjian TANG, Wei DAI, Wenwen SHAN,

Journal Article

Molecular network-based intervention brings us closer to ending the HIV pandemic

Xiaoxu Han, Bin Zhao, Minghui An, Ping Zhong, Hong Shang

Journal Article

Availability growth models and verification of power equipment

Jinyuan SHI, Jiamin XU

Journal Article

implications of planting mode on cadmium uptake and remobilization in rice: Field experiments across growth

Journal Article