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An exploratory study for predicting component reliability with new load conditions
Zhengwei HU, Xiaoping DU
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2019, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 76-84 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0522-x
Keywords: reliability component failure mode prediction random variable
Improved resilience measure for component recovery priority in power grids
Frontiers of Engineering Management 2021, Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 545-556 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0161-5
Keywords: resilience measure power grid importance measure component recovery
Molecular level simulations on multi-component systems —a morphology prediction method
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 49-54 doi: 10.1007/s11705-013-1307-8
Keywords: crystallization morphology molecular dynamics solution
Development of a multi-component drug from turmeric using central composite design
Xiaohang ZHANG,Shengnan HAN,Yan LI,Jianlan JIANG
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 362-368 doi: 10.1007/s11705-014-1439-5
Keywords: multi-component drug development central composite design turmeric curcuminoids
Ke WEI, Xiaoguang FAN, Mei ZHAN, Miao MENG
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2018, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 376-384 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0500-3
Billet optimization can greatly improve the forming quality of the transitional region in the isothermal local loading forming (ILLF) of large-scale Ti-alloy rib-web components. However, the final quality of the transitional region may be deteriorated by uncontrollable factors, such as the manufacturing tolerance of the preforming billet, fluctuation of the stroke length, and friction factor. Thus, a dual-response surface method (RSM)-based robust optimization of the billet was proposed to address the uncontrollable factors in transitional region of the ILLF. Given that the die underfilling and folding defect are two key factors that influence the forming quality of the transitional region, minimizing the mean and standard deviation of the die underfilling rate and avoiding folding defect were defined as the objective function and constraint condition in robust optimization. Then, the cross array design was constructed, a dual-RSM model was established for the mean and standard deviation of the die underfilling rate by considering the size parameters of the billet and uncontrollable factors. Subsequently, an optimum solution was derived to achieve the robust optimization of the billet. A case study on robust optimization was conducted. Good results were attained for improving the die filling and avoiding folding defect, suggesting that the robust optimization of the billet in the transitional region of the ILLF was efficient and reliable.
Keywords: isothermal local loading forming rib-web component transitional region robust optimization dual response
Xiu-rui GENG,Lu-yan JI,Kang SUN
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2016, Volume 17, Issue 5, Pages 403-412 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1600028
Keywords: Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) Principal component analysis (PCA) Endmember Hyperspectral
Tao FU, Jibin ZHAO, Weijun LIU
Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2012, Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 445-452 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0338-z
Keywords: high-speed milling grey relational analysis principal component analysis parameters optimization
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 4, Pages 568-586 doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1064-4
Keywords: initial stiffness component based method thread-fixed one-side bolt rectangular hollow sections analytical
Design and Implementation of Bank's International Trade Financing System Using Component Technology
Yu Jinshan,Chen Zhiqiang
Strategic Study of CAE 2004, Volume 6, Issue 9, Pages 81-87
Keywords: banking international trade financing system component semi-finished system
Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2021, Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 416-431 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021412
Absolute yield and land use efficiency can be higher in multicrops. Though this phenomenon is common, it is not always the case. Also, these two benefits are frequently confused and do not necessarily occur together. Cropping choices become more complex when considering that multicrops are subject to strong spatial and temporal variation in average soil moisture, which will worsen with climate change. Intercropping in agroecosystems is expected to buffer this impact by favoring resistance to reduced humidity, but there are few empirical/experimental studies to validate this claim. It is not clear if relatively higher multicrop yield and land use efficiency will persist in the face of reduced soil moisture, and how the relation between these benefits might change. Here, we present a relatively simple framework for analyzing this situation. We propose a relative multicrop resistance (RMR) index that captures all possible scenarios of absolute and relative multicrop overyield under water stress. We dissect the ecological components of RMR to understand the relation between higher multicrop yield and land use efficiency and the ecological causes of different overyield scenarios. We demonstrate the use of this framework with data from a 128 microplot greenhouse experiment with small annual crops, arranged as seven-species multicrops and their corresponding monocrops, all under two contrasting watering regimes. We applied simple but robust statistical procedures to resulting data (based on bootstrap methods) to compare RMR, and its components, between different plants/plant parts. We also provide simple graphical tools to analyze the data.
Keywords: agroecosystem sustainability crop overyielding intercrop drought resistance overyield ecological components
Xinggang LI, Qingzhi YAN, Rong MA, Haoqiang WANG, Changchun GE
Frontiers in Energy 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 193-197 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0030-0
Keywords: supercritical water cooled reactor tensile impact toughness corrosion aging
Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2015, Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 486-496 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400299
Keywords: Electroencephalogram (EEG) Electrooculogram (EOG) Brain-computer interface (BCI) Spatial constraint independent component
Enterprise-level business component identificationin business architecture integration Article
Jiong FU, Xue-shan LUO, Ai-min LUO, Jun-xian LIU
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2017, Volume 18, Issue 9, Pages 1320-1335 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601836
Keywords: Business architecture integration Business component Component identification Create read update
Xin Wang, Wei Cui, Bin Li, Xiaojie Zhang, Yongxin Zhang, Yaodong Huang
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 1112-1121 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1865-5
Keywords: supramolecular self-assembly organogel liquid crystal tartaric acid hydrogen bond
One-pot three-component Mannich reaction catalyzed by sucrose char sulfonic acid
Qiong XU, Zhigao YANG, Dulin YIN, Jihui WANG
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 201-205 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0052-5
One–pot synthesis
Title Author Date Type Operation
An exploratory study for predicting component reliability with new load conditions
Zhengwei HU, Xiaoping DU
Journal Article
Molecular level simulations on multi-component systems —a morphology prediction method
Journal Article
Development of a multi-component drug from turmeric using central composite design
Xiaohang ZHANG,Shengnan HAN,Yan LI,Jianlan JIANG
Journal Article
Robust optimization of the billet for isothermal local loading transitional region of a Ti-alloy rib-web component
Ke WEI, Xiaoguang FAN, Mei ZHAN, Miao MENG
Journal Article
Non-negativematrix factorization based unmixing for principal component transformed hyperspectral data
Xiu-rui GENG,Lu-yan JI,Kang SUN
Journal Article
of cutting parameters in high-speed milling based on grey relational analysis coupled with principal component
Tao FU, Jibin ZHAO, Weijun LIU
Journal Article
Development of component stiffness equations for thread-fixed one-side bolt connections to an enclosed
Journal Article
Design and Implementation of Bank's International Trade Financing System Using Component Technology
Yu Jinshan,Chen Zhiqiang
Journal Article
Journal Article
Feasibility analysis of modified AL-6XN steel for structure component application in supercritical water-cooled
Xinggang LI, Qingzhi YAN, Rong MA, Haoqiang WANG, Changchun GE
Journal Article
removal of ocular artifacts from electroencephalogram signals using spatial constraint independent component
Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG
Journal Article
Enterprise-level business component identificationin business architecture integration
Jiong FU, Xue-shan LUO, Ai-min LUO, Jun-xian LIU
Journal Article
Supramolecular self-assembly of two-component systems comprising aromatic amides/Schiff base and tartaric
Xin Wang, Wei Cui, Bin Li, Xiaojie Zhang, Yongxin Zhang, Yaodong Huang
Journal Article