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Development Strategy for Standardization System of Producer Services

Jin Zongzhen,Zhuang Lijian,Xiang Ning

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 3,   Pages 25-31 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.03.012

Abstract: justify;">A standardization system is important for the high-quality and integrated development of producerHowever, the standardization system of producer services in China still requires improvement regardingIn this article, we study the development trend of producer services standardization, analyze the developmentstatus of producer services standardization in China and abroad, and summarizes the problems faced bythe construction of a producer services standardization system in the new era.

Keywords: producer services     standardization system     standards internationalization    

Experimental evaluation of a 35 kVA downdraft gasifier

Ashok Jayawant Rao KECHE, Gaddale AMBA PRASAD RAO

Frontiers in Energy 2013, Volume 7, Issue 3,   Pages 300-306 doi: 10.1007/s11708-013-0247-9

Abstract: Energy conversion systems based on biomass are particularly interesting because biomass utilization effectively closes the carbon cycle besides achieving self-sustainability. Biomass is particularly useful for highly populated and agriculture dependent economic nations like China and India. A compact and cost effective downdraft gasification system was developed. The present paper describes an experimental investigation on a biomass based gasifier engine system with a capacity of 35 kVA for power generation application. The problem of cooling and cleaning the hot and dirty gas from the gasifier has been satisfactorily solved by the effective cooling and filtration system. The gasifier developed is observed to be operation friendly. The quality of gas was evaluated in terms of its composition, conversion efficiency and total particulate matter. The maximum output of the power plant was obtained at the combustion zone temperature of 850oC. The experimental investigations showed that the percentage reduction in total particulate matter is 89.32%. The conversion efficiency of the biomass gasifier is found to be dependent on the operation conditions and fuel properties of the gasifier. The optimum value of equivalence ratio was observed to be 0.3134 for achieving the maximum gas conversion efficiency of the present gasifier configuration.

Keywords: biomass     gasification     producer gas     equivalence ratio     total particulate matter     conversion efficiency of    

A stepwise process for carbon dioxide sequestration using magnesium silicates


Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2,   Pages 133-141 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0259-5

Abstract: interest to the iron- and steel producing sector, which at the same time is Finland’s largest CO producer

Keywords: carbonation reaction     reactor     producer     large-scale     process    

Studies on culture condition of new marine bacterium sp. SY01

LAN Wenjian, MO Linfeng, LI Houjin, CAI Chuanghua, ZHOU Yipin, YAO Junhua

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 443-446 doi: 10.1007/s11705-008-0065-5

Abstract: SY01, producer of prodigiosin, was isolated from the seawaters of Sanya Bay.

Keywords: producer     high-molecular-weight     relative     culture     different culture    

End-of-life batteries management and material flow analysis in South Korea

Hyunhee Kim, Yong-Chul Jang, Yeonjung Hwang, Youngjae Ko, Hyunmyeong Yun

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1019-x

Abstract: of EOL batteries is relatively low in South Korea compared to other countries, although an extended producer

Keywords: End-of-life battery     Recycling     Material flow analysis (MFA)     Extended producer responsibility (EPR)     Resource    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Development Strategy for Standardization System of Producer Services

Jin Zongzhen,Zhuang Lijian,Xiang Ning

Journal Article

Experimental evaluation of a 35 kVA downdraft gasifier

Ashok Jayawant Rao KECHE, Gaddale AMBA PRASAD RAO

Journal Article

A stepwise process for carbon dioxide sequestration using magnesium silicates


Journal Article

Studies on culture condition of new marine bacterium sp. SY01

LAN Wenjian, MO Linfeng, LI Houjin, CAI Chuanghua, ZHOU Yipin, YAO Junhua

Journal Article

End-of-life batteries management and material flow analysis in South Korea

Hyunhee Kim, Yong-Chul Jang, Yeonjung Hwang, Youngjae Ko, Hyunmyeong Yun

Journal Article