The Institution of Electrical Engineers' Deputation on Electrical Legislation

Journal: Nature
doi: 10.1038/066199e0
Summary: WE published an article a short time ago (NATURE, vol. lxvi. p. 35) on the report of the committee appointed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers to inquire into the cause of this country's backwardness in electrical industries, and stated that it had been decided to ask the Prime Minister to receive a deputation on the subject. This deputation, after being once or twice postponed, waited upon the President of the Board of Trade, the Right Hon. Gerald W. Balfour, M.P., on Tuesday, June 17. A number of influential members of the Institution were present, including Mr. J. Swinburne (president), Lord Kelvin, Prof. J. Perry, Prof. S. P. Thompson, Colonel R. E. Crompton and Mr. S. Z. de Ferranti.
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