Various methods have been developed for generating cellular spheroids by exploring the fluidic and self-assembly abilities of cells [
19]. A facile method is to culture cells on non-adherent substrates [
20], where the cell-cell interaction is stronger than that of cell-substrate, resulting in the aggregation of cells. To promote the assembly of cells, gravitational and magnetic forces have been explored, leading to the development of the hanging-drop [
21] and magnetic-levitation methods [
22], respectively. Microwells have also been widely used to confine the growth space of cells with the benefit of forming cellular spheroids with controlled and uniform size [
11]. Among these methods, microwells have attracted increasing attention; especially those with concave structures, due to advantages such as easy operation, good controllability, and high-throughput capacity [
24]. However, almost all of the current microwell methods require the manual seeding of cells after the preparation of a microwell plate, which may be cumbersome and can cause cell loss and non-uniform cell seeding [
25]. In addition, special templates and a careful molding process are required to obtain well-defined concave microwells, which limits their accessibility. Therefore, there is still an urgent need for a flexible manufacturing method for fabricating cellular spheroids, particularly those with the potential for engineering tissues on chips.