Another potential application of conductive polymers is as a biological pacemaker. Patients with conduction block or HF are treated by the implantation of an electronic pacemaker, which controls heart rhythm and contraction in order to maintain heart pumping function [
115]. Although such devices have shown potential in reducing mortality and hospitalization of patients, the fundamental problem−conduction block−is not yet solved because non-conductive tissue or an abnormal conductive pathway still exists in the heart. Research interest in developing a biological pacemaker began two decades ago in response to challenges and limitations facing electronic pacemakers, such as battery changes, chronic infection, high surgical cost, and device adaptation in developing pediatric patients (e.g., chest and vascular size, child growth, and congenital heart defects) [
118]. In a normal heart, the SA node is the trigger that sends an electrical signal to the substrate−cells that sense and receive this signal. A trigger-substrate connection is critical for organized pacing and conduction. A biological pacemaker would be able to integrate with the heart, and respond to endogenous stimuli calling for increased/decreased cardiac activity [
119]. In addition, implantation of a biological pacemaker would be minimally invasive, which is suitable for patients who have contraindications for electronic pacemakers [
116]. Biomaterials play a role in biological pacemaker research by establishing communications between implanted pacemaker cells and their substrate cells, integrating implanted cells, and labeling and tracking transplanted cells
in vivo [
122]. Conductive polymers, as excellent biomaterial candidates, can act as an ECM to support cell survival while establishing electrical connections between cells (Fig. 1). As such, the development of a conductive polymer-pacemaker cell combination has great potential to be the first step in creating a biological pacemaker to be used in future therapeutics.