Although the evolution of recommender systems has experienced some important periods, increasing attention is being paid to this area. Building on the discussions of existing recommendation research in Section 4, the list below summarizes typical features of state-of-the-art recommendation research, which:
• Assumes users and items are IID;
• Usually places foci on observable factors and aspects;
• Involves latent variables while ignoring explicit user/item variables, or vice versa;
• Ignores or simplifies the interactions between explicit and implicit variables of users and items;
• Lacks deep explorations of subjective factors, and the integration of subjective and objective factors; and
• Lacks deep explorations of core driving forces and implicit interactions within and between users, within and between items, and between users and items.
Different views exist on how to categorize recommendation research. Representative surveys on recommender systems present the following pictures about research on recommendation from different perspectives and foci of interest.
• An approach categorization of hybrid Web systems is shown in Ref. [
32], consisting of four classes of recommender systems based on knowledge sources–CF, content-based, demographic, and knowledge-based systems–and 53 possible hybrid methods based on the workable combinations of seven hybridization strategies: weighted, mixed, switching, feature combination, cascade, feature augmentation, and meta-level [
33] with the above four classes.
• A categorization of recommendation techniques is provided in terms of similarity, dimensionality reduction, diffusion (spreading), social filtering, meta approaches, and performance evaluation in Ref. [
• CF recommender systems are reviewed in Ref. [
35] in terms of the evolution from algorithms to questions around the user experience with the recommender systems, issues and open problems about quality, hidden dangers, and user control.
• A recommender system taxonomy is provided in Ref. [
36], which consists of four levels: memory-based (ratings), content-based (user/item features, corresponding to the traditional Web), social-based (relationship and trust, corresponding to the social Web), and context-based (user/item locations, corresponding to the Internet of Things) levels with input of both implicit and explicit data as well as user and item data.
• The relevant literature categorization and evolution from 2001 to 2010 were summarized and analyzed in Ref. [
37], which categorizes them into eight application fields (books, documents, images, movie, music, shopping, TV programs, and others) and eight data mining techniques (association rule, clustering, decision tree,
k-nearest neighbor, link analysis, neural network, regression, and other heuristic methods).
• In addition to the approach categorization in Ref. [
32] cited above, Ref. [
2], an edited book, collected 28 chapters that are grouped into four parts: recommendation techniques, recommender systems evaluation, human-computer interaction, and advanced topics. No informative category of recommendation research is provided in this most recent handbook.
In the literature, the following seven major categories of recommendation techniques have been focused on:
• Memory-based recommendation, which mainly focuses on rating estimation by explicit ratings from users to items or implicit valuations of items [
36] by typical models such as MF and value decomposition;
• Collaborative filtering (CF), which mainly considers “user-to-user correlations” and user (or item) neighbor relationship in the user information in Table B in Fig. 1, corresponding to similar users- or items-based recommendation;
• User profiling and modeling-based recommendation, which mainly considers user demographic information in order to generate similar users w.r.t. similar demographic information for so-called “personalized” recommendation, essentially focusing on the specific user information in Table B;
• Content-based recommendation, which mainly involves item-keyword, description, and semantic indexing in item information Table C, corresponding to item preference-based recommendation;
• Group-based recommendation, which involves the social relationships and friendship in Table B in order to recommend items to associated user groups or suggest item categories to a group of users;
• Knowledge-based recommendation, which mainly involves ① domain knowledge to measure how certain item features meet users’needs and preferences and how an item meets a user’s preference, such as case-based recommendations by learning relations between specific user attributes and item attributes in Table D, and ② constraint-based recommendations by applying predefined rules to associate user requirements with item attributes in Table D; and
• Hybrid recommendation, which integrates the above approaches, such as integrating CF with content-based recommendation.
The above categorization mixes information source-driven perspectives (most of them are information-driven) with function- and purpose-based approaches. They do not directly address critical challenges (such as sparsity and the shilling-attack effect) and they miss some important areas (such as the visualization and explorations in Table D).
A taxonomy of recommendation research is created in Fig. 3, which consists of seven layers: application, source, goal, challenge, technique, deliverable, and evaluation of recommendation.
• Application. This refers to domain problems and applications of recommendation; recommended products, services, and channels; and so forth. Typical applications of recommendation include: mobile applications and services; social media and network services; online business and services including shopping and news; entertainment services; food and beverage services; workflow and policy suggestions; health and medical service recommendations; traveling and tourism services; marketing and customer care; business and industry services; manufacturing optimization; logistic and transport services; and digital life, including virtual reality and animating services, and living service.
• Source. This refers to data sources that may be involved in recommendation and that consist of core data and ancillary data, which may be subjective and objective, implicit and explicit. Core data includes goals and expectations, ratings, user information, item information, and user-item interaction data. Ancillary data may consist of feedback data, environmental (contextual) data, external data, domain knowledge, system data, and information from the Internet.
• Goal. This refers to the purposes of recommendation. Both business and technical goals may be associated with recommendations. From the business perspective, recommendations may be used to improve marketing and sales, customer relationship and user experience, service objectives, economic and financial goals, human-computer interactions, and website and interface design, and to suggest new business opportunities (e.g., new users, novel products, new services). Technical objectives of recommendation may focus on enhancing rating prediction, cost-effectiveness, optimization, novelty, diversity, predictability, robustness, trust, risk management, and actionability of suggestions.
• Challenge. This is related to the characteristics and complexities of recommendation sources (novelty, diversity, cross-domain, group and community focus, dynamic and online nature), user behavior and satisfaction (cold-start, popularity bias, shilling-attack effect, personalized satisfaction, human intelligence), environment (context, constraint, sociocultural issues), infrastructure (scalability, efficiency), performance (quality, accuracy, error rate, usability, utility, irrelevance, actionability), and so forth.
• Technique. Interdisciplinary approaches and techniques have been involved in recommendation research in terms of recommendation engine, infrastructure, algorithms, deliverables, and performance enhancement. Typical techniques include CF, content-based recommendation, data mining and machine learning methods, mathematical and statistical methods, similarity learning, active and online learning methods, economic and financial models, social science methods, context-aware techniques, visualization, and hybridization of various methods.
• Deliverable. The output of recommendation is driven by recommendation goals and techniques that are conditional on data and challenge understanding. Possible deliverables from recommendation may include suggesting similar users or products, new users, products and services, and new applications and new policies, answering or asking questions, suggesting group and community-oriented and cross-domain cross-media opportunities and experience, offering ranking and filtering suggestions, and generating optimal outcomes.
• Evaluation. Business and technical perspectives exist to evaluate the performance of recommendation. Business-wise indicators may include user satisfaction, novelty and diversity, coverage, business utility, interaction usability, and interpretability. Technical indicators may consist of improved error rates, prediction performance, reliability, robustness, serendipity, trust, confidence and statistical test performance, actionability, efficiency, and scalability.
A valid recommender system must maintain balanced interactions between the above layers. This balance involves subjective versus objective, implicit versus explicit, local versus global, specific versus general, static versus dynamic, internal versus external, and partial versus comprehensive aspects of the seven layers.
This section categorizes the research on recommendation into four major generations (Fig. 4):
• First generation (1st G): rating-based recommendation research;
• Second generation: (2nd G) user/item-based recommendation research;
• Third generation (3rd G): cross-user/item recommendation research; and
• Fourth generation (4th G): non-IID recommendation research.
The first generation mainly involves rating-based recommendation research, which corresponds to modeling and estimating the rating dynamics in the rating table (see Fig. 1) by either directly simulating the rating dynamics (such as by MF) or considering similar rating behavior and preferences (such as classic CF). Memory-based methods and specific rating characteristics are focused on in some research works, such as modeling sparse ratings, cold-start ratings, and ratings with the shilling-attack effect. At this stage, the rating information in Table A in Fig. 1 is mainly relied on in the relevant modeling.
The second generation is on user/item-based recommendation research, which corresponds to modeling rating dynamics, making user-based and item-based recommendations, and building content-based models by incorporating the specific user or item information in Tables B or C in Fig. 1. Typical examples include involving social relationships and filters between users, different categories, or subcategories of items (so-called cross-domain or hierarchical recommendation); clustering users in terms of rating behaviors or preferences; or clustering items for recommendation (so-called group-based recommendation). By involving user and item information in rating estimation and user/item recommendations, typical challenges including cold-start, sparse rating, and shilling attack are further explored, and can also be modeled by connecting to other issues such as cross-domain and group-based recommendations.
The third generation is on cross-user/item recommendation research, which corresponds to modeling ratings and making user/item recommendations by involving the specific interaction information between users and items in Tables B and C in Fig. 1, such as user comments on products, and associations between user preferences and specific product types or characteristics. Some existing content-based modeling works fall in this category, which involves both user and item information as well as users’comments, sentiments, and opinions on items.
In existing literature, research related to the above generations makes the assumption that users and items/products are IID, and does not consider the value-to-object non-IID characteristics within and between users, products, and between users and products [
39]. Increasing attention has been paid to learning latent variables in ratings, such as by MF-based approaches. When user and product information is incorporated, the heterogeneity and coupling relationships [
5] are usually ignored.
The fourth generation is on non-IID recommendation research, which corresponds to modeling and synergizing the implicit/explicit and subjective/objective non-IIDness within and between users (in Table B), products (in Table C), and between users and products (in Tables A and D in Fig. 1). At this stage, we assume that users and products are non-IID and that they need to be considered at different levels from value to attribute and object, as well as in terms of the interactions between user attributes and product attributes. The main discussions in this paper are formed by fourth generation research, based on the systematic view in Fig. 1, which has not been explored in the literature.
Fig. 4 further maps the systematic view in Fig. 1 to cover the four generations of research on recommendation. The fourth generation actually covers the first to third generations in the sense that ① theories and approaches in the first to third generations require an IID-to-non-IID paradigm shift; and ② non-IID recommendation must involve all four tables, Tables A–D, as well as the environment E under the non-IID assumption.