In 2006, TerraPower set out to develop sustainable, scalable, and low-carbon energy in the Traveling Wave Reactor (TWR) program, featuring a fourth-generation, sodium-cooled, metal-fueled reactor unique in that it uses a once-through deep-burn fuel cycle to achieve many fast reactor capabilities (natural safety, reduced waste, reduction and eventual elimination of enrichment, and high fuel and thermal efficiency) without requiring reprocessing [
3]. High-fidelity (but decoupled) physics models demonstrated the fundamental feasibility of the TWR design. As the organization grew, new software was developed and procured to support the evolving reactor design. In June 2009, development of the Advanced Reactor Modeling Interface (ARMI) code system began with the intent of incorporating new and existing physics modeling tools with data management and automation routines into a consistent reactor design toolbox. The relatively clean slate and initially small team provided the impetus for applying modern design patterns and programming practices to the challenge of highly efficient, scalable, and integrated reactor design. As the framework and data management developed, subject experts focused on creating new physics modules or adapters to high-quality external physics solvers. As the tools were integrated, each member of each team could seamlessly run the entire system analysis, from specifying the pin dimensions and tolerances to computing the system cost and peak cladding temperature during design-basis transients. Detailed and meaningful design, innovation, and sensitivity studies could be done with ease. Such a system has allowed TerraPower to develop its designs with aggressive timescales and small, agile teams.