1. Introduction
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of travel paths for a zero offset section, collected along a topographic surface, after correction to a datum: The vertical dashed lines show the travel path, which is implicitly assumed in a standard elevation static correction; the solid lines show the correct travel path; the assumed path is a poor approximation leading to failure of migration from datum after elevation statics corrections (adapted from Ref. [4]). (b) Synthetic GPR data acquired along the acquisition surface shown in (a). εr is relative permittivity. |
2. The RTM algorithm
3. Synthetic examples
3.1. Synthetic Example 1: Simple velocity structure
Fig. 2 Synthetic data from Fig. 1(b) with three different processing sequences. (a) RTM assuming that the data were acquired on a flat surface followed by elevation statics; (b) elevation statics followed by RTM from datum; (c) RTM from topography. Images in (a) and (b) are poorly focused, while RTM from topography, (c), correctly focuses the image and places the reflecting boundary at the correct depth, as indicated by the solid black line. |
3.2. Synthetic Example 2: Large lateral velocity gradient
Fig. 3 (a) Synthetic model with sharp lateral contrast in the first layer at a distance of 10 m; (b) synthetic data generated from (a); (c) RTM from datum after elevation statics does a poor job of focusing the image; (d) RTM from topography accurately reconstructs the image even with large lateral velocity gradients, and avoids the need for datuming. |
4. Field test: Coral Pink Sand Dunes, Utah, USA
Table 1 Processing flows for a comparison of RTM after elevation statics with RTM from topography. |
RTM from datum (after elevation statics) | RTM from topography |
Geometry: Trace (x, y, z) from differentially corrected GPS | Geometry: Trace (x, y, z) from differentially corrected GPS |
Time zero correction: Based on direct airwave | Time zero correction: Based on direct airwave |
Time domain bandpass filter: High pass at 1/2 dominant period, low pass at 3× dominant period | Time domain bandpass filter: High pass at 1/2 dominant period, low pass at 3× dominant period |
Gain scaled by t2 | Gain scaled by t2 |
Elevation statics: Datum was highest elevation along profile, replacement velocity of 0.11 m·ns−1 | |
RTM from datum: Constant permittivity migration with εr = 7.4 (v = 0.11 m·ns−1) | RTM from topography: Constant permittivity migration with εr = 7.4 (v = 0.11 m·ns−1) |
4.1. Location 1
Fig. 5 In Region 1, comparing (a) RTM from datum with (b) RTM from topography, we note the different placement of steep reflections within the bedrock stratigraphy from 20 to 30 m depth at distances of less than 50 m, and the improved focusing between 100 and 125 m distance when migrated from topography. In Region 2, comparing (c) RTM from datum with (d) RTM from topography, there is an event dipping steeply to the right between 340 and 360 m that we interpret as a normal fault. The fault plane is well focused with RTM from topography, but is difficult to interpret when migrated from datum. |
4.2. Location 2
Fig. 6 (a) Preprocessed data from a line in the central part of the dune field collected with a 100 MHz antenna; (b) data after RTM from topography, where the internal stratigraphy of the dunes and the bedrock interface are clear; (c) right-hand dune shown after RTM from datum; (d) the same dune after RTM from topography. At the transition from the base of the dune to the dune face, the bedrock surface is clearly misplaced when migrated from datum. In addition, steeply dipping internal reflectors are better focused after RTM from topography. |