Numerous OFC-based ranging systems have been proposed, such as the time-of-flight (TOF) method, which is based on an optical cross-correlation technique
[8]; synthetic-wavelength interferometry, which utilizes different optical modes to generate harmonics of an OFC’s repetition rate [
11] or employs multiple wavelengths referenced to a fully stabilized comb [
13]; and dispersive interferometry, which involves calculating the phase-frequency slope of the interference spectrum [
16]. These single-comb-based methods realize absolute distance measurement with certain precision and a relatively simple setup. However, they have not fully leveraged all comb modes, as it is often difficult to distinguish adjacent comb lines with megahertz-to-gigahertz mode spacing. Therefore, these single-comb-based ranging methods do not combine the advantages of an OFC, which includes high spectral resolution, fast pulse rate, and large ambiguity range. The dual-comb-based ranging (DCR) system solves this problem by using two OFCs with slightly different repetition rates to realize multi-heterodyne spectroscopy and time-resolved interferograms (IGMs) on a comb tooth-by-tooth basis
[17]. In other words, the DCR system utilizes about 10
4 narrow spectral lines to measure distance simultaneously. This dual-comb-based concept provides a unique combination of high precision, high speed, and a large ambiguity range, and has been widely used in absolute distance measurement [
34]. Although this paper focuses on a dual-comb system applied to distance measurement, the same basic technique has been applied to spectroscopy [
49], dispersion analysis in long fibers
[50], ellipsometry
[51], material characterization
[52], hyperspectral imaging [
55], microscopy [
57], vibrometry
[32], and strain sensors
[58]. These applications highlight the versatility of the dual-comb system; they have the same underlying dual-comb architecture and confront similar technical challenges [