1. Introduction
2. ICE fuels and combustion systems
2.1. ICE fuels
2.2. Engine combustion systems
3. Future development
3.1. Fuel implications in the short term
3.2. Gasoline compression ignition
3.2.1. Advantages of GCI engines
3.2.2. Fuel requirements of GCI engines
3.2.3. Challenges and development work needed
3.2.4. Outlook for GCI engines
3.3. Reactivity-controlled compression ignition
3.4. Octane on demand
3.5. Longer term approaches to reduce overall GHG: Electrofuels
4. Conclusions
The demand for transport energy is very large and growing. Transport will continue to be primarily powered by ICEs using petroleum-based fuels for decades to come because alternatives start from a low base and face significant barriers to unrestrained growth. There will be severe environmental, economic, and social consequences that may be unsustainable if premature changes are forced onto the existing system. | |
It is absolutely essential that the efficiency and environmental impact of ICEs be improved in order to maintain/improve the sustainability of the transport sector. | |
The global demand for diesel and jet fuel (middle distillates) is expected to increase faster than the demand for gasoline. The availability of low-octane gasoline components (i.e., naphtha) is likely to increase as more oil is processed to meet the increased demand for middle distillates. Future engines should use fuel components such as naphtha, which are likely to be more easily available and may be cheaper than diesel, to maintain the sustainability of fuels manufacture while bringing benefits to consumers. | |
Significant improvements are possible using existing market fuels via improved combustion, control, and after-treatment systems, assisted by partial electrification in the form of hybridization and weight reduction through the use of light materials. For example, efficiencies could be improved by 50% in comparison with the current US average for SI engines, and pollutants such as particulates and NOx from diesel engines could be reduced to negligible levels through the use of better catalysts and intelligent management of temperatures and combustion modes. These improvements might also require changes in fuels. For example, sulfur levels must decrease in many markets where they are high, in order to enable more efficient after-treatment. Fuel anti-knock quality may need to increase to enable higher efficiency in SI engines, but any possible benefits would need to be assessed on a life-cycle basis. In many areas, specifications assume that a higher MON is better for fuel anti-knock quality. Such specifications need to be changed to bring them in line with the requirements of efficient modern engines. | |
There is greater scope for improvements if engines are not constrained to use current market fuels; new fuel/engine systems could be developed to additionally leverage benefits in fuels manufacture and to use fuel components that might be readily available. | |
A very good example of a beneficial future fuel/engine system is GCI using low-octane gasoline. GCI makes it easier to reduce emissions of NOx and particulates, while enabling diesel-like efficiency. It also uses fuel components that may be in surplus in the future, and hence may be cheaper. RCCI and OOD could use existing market fuels, but could also use low-octane gasoline in the future. | |
Eliminating GHGs completely from the transport sector will require massive—perhaps unsustainable—investments in renewable electricity generation along with the use of this electricity to make e-fuels such as hydrogen. However, this route is very energy intensive. If enough renewable electricity is available, it might be best used to drive electric vehicles; however, this would generate its own environmental problems associated with battery manufacture and would pose huge challenges in regard to the charging infrastructure. Nevertheless, as the share of renewables in the power sector increases, more unwanted electricity will be available due to the intermittent nature of wind and solar power. Such excess energy could be used to make e-fuels in order to reduce the GHG impact of aviation, which will continue to rely on combustion engines for the foreseeable future. |
ASTM | American Society of Testing and Materials |
BEV | battery electric vehicle |
CFR | Cooperative Fuels Research |
CI | compression ignition |
CN | cetane number |
CO | carbon monoxide |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
DCN | derived cetane number |
DPF | diesel particulate filter |
EGR | exhaust gas recirculation |
EOI | end of injection |
EU | European Union |
FAME | fatty acid methyl ester |
FSN | filter smoke number |
GCI | gasoline compression ignition |
GDCI | gasoline direct-injection compression ignition |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GPF | gasoline particulate filter |
HC | unburned hydrocarbons |
HCCI | homogeneous charge compression ignition |
ICE | internal combustion engine |
ID | ignition delay |
IDW | ignition dwell |
LDV | light-duty vehicle |
LPG | liquid petroleum gas |
MON | motor octane number |
MTBE | methyl tertiary butyl ether |
NOx | nitrogen oxides |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OOD | octane on demand |
PCI | premixed compression ignition |
PM | particulate matter |
PPC | partially premixed compression |
PRF | primary reference fuel |
RCCI | reactivity-controlled compression ignition |
RON | research octane number |
S | sensitivity |
SI | spark ignition |
SOC | start of combustion |
SOI | start of injection |
SRG | straight run gasoline |
TN | toluene number |
TRF | toluene reference fuel |