Experimental studies have shown that partial melting of typical recycled carbonated oceanic crust (in the form of carbonated eclogite) at a pressure of 3 GPa can produce coexisting silica-rich melt and carbonate-rich melt over a wide temperature range
[89]. Metasomatism of the mantle by carbonated eclogite-derived silicate melts will generate pyroxenite, and carbonatitic melts from the melting of recycled carbonate will form carbonated peridotites
[90]. Although both metasomatized sources have low δ
26Mg values, their diverse roles in the sources of basalts may be distinguished by plotting δ
26Mg against major and trace elements that are sensitive to either a peridotitic or pyroxenitic source lithology (e.g., Fe/Mn, Hf/Hf*, Ti/Ti*, CaO/Al
3, etc.)
[12]. For example, high Fe/Mn ratios could be derived from a pyroxenite or eclogite source
[91]. Melts from a mantle source hybridized by sedimentary carbonate (i.e., carbonated peridotite) are expected to typically have low Fe/Mn, Hf/Hf*, and Ti/Ti* and high CaO/Al
3. Li et al.
[12] concluded that the nephelinites in Eastern China with the lowest SiO
2 and δ
26Mg can represent the low δ
26Mg component (LMC) in the mantle source, which is characterized by low Fe/Mn, Hf/Hf*, and Ti/Ti* and high CaO/Al
3 ratios, consistent with the typical features of carbonated peridotite-derived melt. By contrast, a negative relationship of δ
26Mg with Fe/Mn ratios and a positive relationship of δ
26Mg with CaO/Al
3 have been observed in Hainan basalts from South China
[12]. Compared with partial melts of mantle peridotite, the Hainan basalts have lower Na
2, CaO/Al
3, and Co/Fe, and higher TiO
2, Fe/Mn, Zn/Fe, and Zn/Mn
[92]. These characteristics were argued to have been caused by a mixing source of recycled oceanic crust (carbonated eclogite) and peridotite [