The (Mg,Fe)SiO
3-pPv phase has been a focus of study since its discovery in 2004 as a dominant mineral in the bottom of the lower mantle [
18]. Compositional variations in pPv can induce changes in its density and structure; thus, even subtle structural changes have significant implications for interpretations of the seismic and dynamic features observed near the CMB. For example, the pPv phase synthesized in a MORB composition was enriched in Na
2O and had a high ferric content
[21]. On the other hand, the pPv phase may have become very Fe-enriched at the CMB in contact with the liquid iron core
[18]. Chemical composition in individual phases can be measured by
ex situ TEM on a recovered sample; however, determination of structure changes induced by chemical impurities in the pPv phase is beyond the existing capabilities of powder XRD and theoretical methods. In addition, the pPv structure cannot be preserved after recovery under ambient conditions. Thus,
in situ crystal structure determination is required. A high-quality multigrain sample of (Mg,Fe)SiO
3-pPv was synthesized in a quasi-hydrostatic neon (Ne) environment (Fig. 1), and
in situ crystal structure determination was performed on an individual grain of pPv selected by the multigrain method
[25]. The structure of this Fe-depleted pPv shows a nearly identical structure to that of the MgSiO
3 predicted by theory
[16]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first single-crystal structure determination of the pPv phase; it demonstrates the feasibility of
in situ crystal structure determination of submicron crystallites above megabar pressures. This technique can then be applied to investigate the structure changes induced by compositional variations in high-pressure minerals in the future.