1. Introduction
2. Mineral data resources
3. Mineral evolution
Fig. 1 First-row transition metal mineral–locality occurrences by max age (minerals listed once with highest oxidation state from any first-row transistion elements in formula). Our record of Earth’s minerals through time typically reveals pulses of mineralization that are associated with the supercontinent cycle. In this graph of approximately 60 000 mineral/age data for minerals incorporating first-row transition metals, pulses of mineralization are associated with the supercontinents Kenorland, Nuna, Rodinia, Pannotia, and Pangea. Note that mineralization associated with Rodinian assembly at ∼1.3–0.9 Ga is less distinct than the peaks with other supercontinents, as a consequence of its unique tectonic setting [39]. 1+–8+ refer to different oxidation states. |
Fig. 2 Changes in Earth’s near-surface oxidation state, the consequence of the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis, are reflected in the changing ratios of manganese in the II (Mn2+), III (Mn3+), and IV (Mn4+) oxidation states. The average oxidation state of manganese increases, most notably during the past 500 million years. GOE: Great Oxidation Event. |
Fig. 4 Mean chemical and structural information-based complexities for minerals occurring in different eras of mineral evolution (1 = 12 “ur-minerals” [5]; 2 = 60 minerals of chondritic meteorites [5]; 3 = 420 minerals of the Hadean epoch [11]; 4 = all minerals of the post-Hadean era) calculated for a total of 4962 datasets on the chemical compositions and 3989 datasets on the crystal structures of minerals [26]. (a) Shannon information per atom (IG); (b) Shannon information per unit cell or formula unit (IG,total). |
4. Mineral ecology
Fig. 5 (a) The frequency spectrum for carbon-bearing minerals reveals that most minerals are rare. The horizontal axis records the exact number of localities (m) at which a carbon-bearing mineral species is found. The vertical axis indicates how many mineral species occur at exactly that number of localities. Grey bars are the observed values, while blue bars indicate the modeled values. Of the 403 documented carbon-bearing minerals in 2016, more than 100 are known from only one locality, while 40 have been described from exactly two localities. (b) This “large number of rare events” distribution facilitates calculation of an accumulation curve (upper blue curve), shown here on a graph of the number of observed mineral/locality data (N, X axis) versus the estimated number of different mineral species (Y axis). Extrapolation of this curve to the right suggests that an additional 145 carbon-bearing minerals await discovery and description [33]. The vertical dashed line indicates the number of mineral/locality data (82 922) and known species (403) as of 2016. Curves 1 and 2 represent the evolving numbers of different mineral species identified from exactly one or two localities, respectively—values that change systematically as more mineral/locality data accumulate. Note that these curves go through a maximum value; the number of minerals known from only one locality is now declining as more mineral/locality data are reported. |
5. Mineral co-occurrence and network analysis
5.1. Chord diagrams
Fig. 6 A chord diagram of the 43 most common cobalt-bearing minerals reveals coexisting pairs of minerals. This rendering reveals that the secondary mineral erythrite (Co3(AsO4)2·8H2O) is the most abundant cobalt mineral, and that it is most commonly associated with the two most common primary cobalt ore minerals, cobaltite (CoAsS) and skutterudite (CoAs3−x). |
5.2. Klee diagrams
Fig. 7 Klee diagrams (sometimes referred to as “heat maps”) represent the frequency with which pairs of minerals, elements, or other objects coexist. This rendering displays a 72 × 72 matrix of coexisting chemical elements in minerals, in which each matrix element represents the fraction of minerals with element X that also incorporates element Y. This matrix is not symmetrical; for example, all minerals containing beryllium also incorporate oxygen, but only a small fraction of oxygen-bearing minerals incorporate beryllium. |
Fig. 8 A three-dimensional interactive Klee diagram facilitates the exploration of triplets of coexisting minerals or elements. This example from Ref. [50] records the frequency of co-occurrence of triplets of chemical elements in minerals. (a) The cube-shaped rendering is difficult to interpret, but any planar slice of the cube can be viewed independently; (b) alternatively, the cube can be rendered in an “exploded” version to allow users to see the “inside” of the cube. The red line indicates the centerline of the 3D diagram. The arrow points to one of many “hot spots,” in this case Ca + Ca + O, where the combination of elements is more commonly found in minerals than would be predicted based on crustal abundances. REE: rare earth elements. |
5.3. Network analysis
Fig. 9 Network graphs of mineral species. (a) 58 chromium-bearing minerals: nodes are sized according to mineral frequency of occurrence, and colored according to mode of formation (see inset). This low-density network shows strong clustering based on paragenetic mode. (b) 664 copper-bearing minerals: nodes are sized according to mineral frequency of occurrence; nodes are colored according to the presence or absence of S or O (see inset; after Ref. [40]). |
5.4. Bipartite network graphs
Fig. 10 Bipartite network of 403 carbon-bearing mineral species. Colored circles represent carbon mineral species, with circle sizes representing relative frequency of occurrence and colors (see inset scale) corresponding to the age of earliest known occurrences of those minerals. Black circles represent regional localities, with sizes corresponding to the relative numbers of different carbon-bearing minerals found at those localities. The network rendering reveals important information regarding the diversity and distribution of carbon minerals through space and time. In particular, the “U-shaped” distribution of black locality nodes, with a few very common carbon minerals “inside” and many more rare carbon minerals “outside,” is an alternative visual representation of the LNRE distribution illustrated in Fig. 5. Note that most of the common minerals are more ancient, whereas most of the rare minerals are more recent. See also http://dtdi.carnegiescience.edu/node/4557 for an interactive version. |