
Microfabricated Atomic Vapor Cells with Multi-Optical Channels Based on an Innovative Inner-Sidewall Molding Process

  • a International Joint Laboratory for Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Measurement Technologies,Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
    b School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
    c Shandong Laboratory of Yantai Advanced Materials and Green Manufacturing, Yantai 265503, China
    d Moon Environment Technology Co., Ltd., Yantai 264000, China
    e Emergency Department, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China

Published date: 15 Aug 2024


Existing microfabricated atomic vapor cells have only one optical channel, which is insufficient for supporting the multiple orthogonal beams required by atomic devices. In this study, we present a novel wafer-level manufacturing process for fabricating multi-optical-channel atomic vapor cells and an innovative method for batch processing the inner sidewalls of millimeter glass holes to meet optical channel requirements. Surface characterization and transmittance tests demonstrate that the processed inner sidewalls satisfy the criteria for an optical channel. In addition, the construction of an integrated processing platform enables multilayer non-isothermal anode bonding, the filling of inert gases, and the recovery and recycling of noble gases. Measurements of the absorption spectra and free-induction decay signals of xenon-129 (129Xe) and xenon-131 (131Xe) under different pump-probe schemes demonstrate the suitability of our vapor cell for use in atomic devices including atomic gyroscopes, dual-beam atomic magnetometers, and other optical/atomic devices. The proposed micromolding technology has broad application prospects in the field of optical-device processing.

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Mingzhi Yu, Yao Chen, Yongliang Wang, Xiangguang Han, Guoxi Luo, Libo Zhao, Yanbin Wang, Yintao Ma, Shun Lu, Ping Yang, Qijing Lin, Kaifei Wang, Zhuangde Jiang . Microfabricated Atomic Vapor Cells with Multi-Optical Channels Based on an Innovative Inner-Sidewall Molding Process[J]. Engineering, 2024 , 35(4) : 49 -58 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.08.016

