Record-Breaking Frequency of 44 GHz Based on the Higher Order Mode of Surface Acoustic Waves with LiNbO3/SiO2/SiC Heterostructures
Received date: 13 Nov 2021
Published date: 24 Jan 2023
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) technology has been extensively explored for wireless communication, sensors, microfluidics, photonics, and quantum information processing. However, due to fabrication issues, the frequencies of SAW devices are typically limited to within a few gigahertz, which severely restricts their applications in 5G communication, precision sensing, photonics, and quantum control. To solve this critical problem, we propose a hybrid strategy that integrates a nanomanufacturing process (i.e., nanolithography) with a LiNbO3/SiO2/SiC heterostructure and successfully achieve a record-breaking frequency of about 44 GHz for SAW devices, in addition to large electromechanical coupling coefficients of up to 15.7%. We perform a theoretical analysis and identify the guided higher order wave modes generated on these slow-on-fast SAW platforms. To demonstrate the superior sensing performance of the proposed ultra-high-frequency SAW platforms, we perform micro-mass sensing and obtain an extremely high sensitivity of approximately 33151.9 MHz·mm2·μg−1, which is about 1011 times higher than that of a conventional quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and about 4000 times higher than that of a conventional SAW device with a frequency of 978 MHz.
Key words: Ultra-high frequency; SAW; Higher order mode; Hypersensitive detection
Jian Zhou , Dinghong Zhang , Yanghui Liu , Fengling Zhuo , Lirong Qian , Honglang Li , Yong-Qing Fu , Huigao Duan . Record-Breaking Frequency of 44 GHz Based on the Higher Order Mode of Surface Acoustic Waves with LiNbO3/SiO2/SiC Heterostructures[J]. Engineering, 2023 , 20(1) : 112 -119 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.05.003
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