Vibration Serviceability of Large-span Steel–Concrete Composite Beam with Precast Hollow Core Slabs Under Walking Impact
Received date: 29 Sep 2020
Published date: 24 Jan 2022
A large-span steel–concrete composite beam with precast hollow core slabs (CBHCSs) is a relatively new floor structure that can be applied to various long-span structures. However, human-induced vibrations may present serviceability issues in such structures. To alleviate vibrations, both the walking forces excited by humans and the associated floor responses must be elucidated. In this study, 150 load–time histories of walking, excited by 25 test participants, are obtained using a force measuring plate. The dynamic loading factors and phase angles in the Fourier series functions for one-step walking are determined. Subsequently, walking tests are performed on seven CBHCS specimens to capture the essential dynamic properties of mode shapes, natural frequencies, damping ratios, and acceleration time histories. The CBHCS floor system generally exhibits a high frequency (> 10 Hz) and low damping (damping ratio < 2%). Sensitivity studies using the finite element method are conducted to investigate the vibration performance of the CBHCS floor system, where the floor thickness, steel beam type, contact time, and human weight are considered. Finally, analytical expressions derived for the fundamental frequency and peak acceleration agree well with the experimental results and are hence proposed for practical use.
Key words: Composite beam; Hollow core slab; Walking force; Floor vibration; Mode shape
Jiepeng Liu , Shu Huang , Jiang Li , Y. Frank Chen . Vibration Serviceability of Large-span Steel–Concrete Composite Beam with Precast Hollow Core Slabs Under Walking Impact[J]. Engineering, 2022 , 19(12) : 93 -104 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.04.025
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