Climate or mitigation engineering—as opposed to general engineering—cuts across multiple industries and is large-scale, longperiodic, cross-regional, and fraught with uncertainty. Against this background, the success of mitigation engineering largely depends on scientific management. Built on technological innovation and other engineering and management experience, the practices of CEM have progressed in scale and effect. Nevertheless, theoretical research on CEM remains scattered, which will profoundly impact the wider spectrum of future practices in carbon mitigation engineering.
The latest research, which pinpointed the break-even point between mitigation costs and benefits under different global emission reduction strategies, has debunked the conventional wisdom that acting on climate change would result in losses [
10]. This finding suggests that the scientific management of carbon mitigation engineering could not only ensure the Paris Agreement targets are met, but also provide a win–win situation for ecological improvement and economic development. However, the budding field of carbon mitigation engineering has been woefully controversial in its development, sparking a host of management concerns, such as collaborative management, social interaction, risk management, and intergenerational equity, among others. To address these issues, it is essential to provide systematic scientific advice and theoretical support for the practice of CEM, based on a summary of the existing engineering management theory and related discipline theory, as well as on carbon mitigation engineering’s features and practical demands.
In short, the enormous complexities and risks connected with carbon mitigation engineering demand the establishment of new disciplines and theories to guide engineering development. The top priority for forging a new path ahead is to formulate a theoretical framework with ground-breaking and universal significance for CEM.
2.1. Characteristics of CEM
As an evolving field, CEM can be viewed as a subset of megaengineering construction management. In this sense, the theories of CEM share four fundamental similarities with the theoretical system of mega-engineering management[
(1) The system operates on a massive scale. Carbon mitigation engineering, once developed, will evolve into a new and more complex human-made system that is in constant interaction with the external environment. The system will comprise a natural interconnection of resources and elements, such as management, engineering, and technology, as well as transdisciplinary knowledge, such as natural science and management science, on a broader scale than ever before.
(2) The elements are inextricably linked. Because carbon mitigation engineering engages in complicated natural and social environments, it is influenced by a variety of constituent parts. For this reason, meteorological elements, economic factors, social imperatives, political concerns, and engineering management aspects are inextricably intertwined in CEM.
(3) The endeavor is fraught with uncertainties. There are three primary sources of great uncertainty in CEM. The first difficulty lies in determining the natural variability of climate change projections. The second source of uncertainty is the unpredictability of the social and economic development trajectory due to population, economic development, technological progress, and political slant. The final uncertain point is that several fundamental physical feedback processes and their scientific mechanisms are still poorly understood. These uncertainties demand the development of new CEM theories and insights based on traditional ways of dealing with uncertainty in order to reduce the degree of uncertainty and provide support for scientific modeling and effective management.
(4) CEM scenarios have a high degree of unpredictability. These scenarios describe the development vision, evolution law, and all conceivable paths of the composite carbon mitigation engineering system. Given the uncertainties described above, it is challenging to correctly predict the evolution of socioeconomic and physical systems, and it is even more challenging to clarify and quantify the feedback mechanism between the two systems.
Below, we outline the distinctive features of five aspects of CEM through a synthesis of its unique phenomena and principles[
(1) Multiple entities are involved. Climate change is a defining crisis that requires global solutions. The management and practice of carbon mitigation engineering will comprise a scientific system that evolves from the global governance framework. The entities of CEM will encompass almost 200 countries and regions around the world, each of which is at a distinct level of development, posing greater challenges to CEM.
(2) High demand for synergy management. The implementation of carbon mitigation engineering demands good coordination and interconnection among different industries, including steel, cement, electricity, chemicals, transportation, construction, agriculture, land use, marine ecology, and others. Pollution control should be focused on all types of greenhouse gases (GHGs), with CO2 being the most essential, but also on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), among others. To achieve this, CEM needs to conduct cross-sectoral integration and collaborative pollutantemission management across the whole life cycle of the pollutants.
(3) A broad technical spectrum. Different industries vary in their production processes, response processes, engineering site selection, and applicable technology. In coping with climate change, CEM necessitates a focus on the technical disparities among industries and departments and on the spatiotemporal feasibility of such industries and departments achieving integration and management.
(4) Unprecedented risks. Carbon mitigation engineering entails a diverse set of fields, a large system scale, a tight construction cycle, significant uncertainty, and limited public perception. Therefore, the risks in the design, implementation, operation, and management of carbon mitigation engineering are characterized by their grand scale, wide sources, diversification, multi-temporality, multiple scales, and high complexity. More importantly, some carbon mitigation engineering (e.g., nuclear power generation) may result in catastrophic and fatal safety risks if damaged or disrupted.
(5) Difficulty in determining the best solution on a global scale. Climate change is a long-term course. Based on the above characteristics, CEM should balance the development demands and carbon mitigation targets of different levels (system, engineering, project, technology, etc.), different time domains (centennial scale, intergenerational conflict, interannual change, engineering cycle, etc.), and different spatial criteria (globe, region, nation, city/county, etc.) in order to carry out the global optimization and systematic deployment of carbon mitigation engineering measures for another hundred years or even longer.
CEM is a new interdisciplinary field that systematically studies carbon mitigation engineering and achieves global optimal control of carbon emission trajectories by utilizing planning, organizing, controlling, and other management methodologies. Here, we start with a quick rundown of five major management issues in CEM.
(1) How much reduction in emissions is required? So far, scientists are still divided over the worldwide emission-cutting capability of carbon mitigation engineering and the emission reductions required to meet global climate targets. Because the levels of emissions that are permissible while still achieving global temperature control are unclear, the transmission mechanism of ‘‘technologies → economies → CO2 emissions → CO2 concentrations → temperature increase → climate-related losses” has yet to be clarified, making it difficult to objectively quantify the number of emission reductions required for global climate governance.
(2) Who will be responsible for reducing emissions? The basis for resolving this question lies in determining which engineering options are available and how countries share responsibility for lowering emissions. The engineering capacity and resource endowments of various emission reduction entities differ substantially, due to the cross-regional and cross-sectoral character of climate change, which makes the assignment of emission-reduction responsibility across organizations a considerable challenge. As a result, eligible candidates—as well as the sharing mechanism of responsibility—must be further specified.
(3) What is the appropriate schedule for implementing carbon mitigation engineering? Due to the long-periodic nature of climate change, it is extremely difficult to understand the critical timing for carbon mitigation engineering deployment. It has proved difficult to strike a balance between contemporary benefits and the welfare of future generations. As a result, developing a global-optimal CEM implementation strategy is critical for the longterm viability of carbon mitigation engineering, as it will aid in achieving intergenerational equity and establishing a reasonable timetable.
(4) How should carbon mitigation engineering be implemented most effectively? The available knowledge of the technology paths and engineering planning that can be undertaken to satisfy the needs of climate governance is limited. Carbon mitigation engineering is distinguished by the fact that it encompasses multiple departments, different technology options, and unpredictably high costs, making future carbon mitigation engineering technology roadmaps difficult to anticipate. In this sense, the complexity degradation of the system should be emphasized in order to provide a well-organized layout for carbon mitigation engineering with a specific direction.
(5) How can the effects and risks of carbon mitigation engineering be scientifically assessed? A thorough understanding of the risks associated with carbon mitigation engineering can considerably improve exposure management techniques. Aside from planning, organization, scheduling, and technical management, it is essential to weigh the costs, benefits, and risks of various carbon mitigation engineering alternatives. From this standpoint, risk management should be incorporated as a key part of CEM.
These management concerns, simply stated, hint at the need for more standardized planning management, organization management, progress management, technical management, and risk management in CEM.