Learning Rat-Like Behavior for a Small-Scale Biomimetic Robot
Received date: 23 Sep 2021
Published date: 24 Jan 2022
Existing biomimetic robots can perform some basic rat-like movement primitives (MPs) and simple behavior with stiff combinations of these MPs. To mimic typical rat behavior with high similarity, we propose parameterizing the behavior using a probabilistic model and movement characteristics. First, an analysis of fifteen 10min video sequences revealed that an actual rat has six typical behaviors in the open
field, and each kind of behavior contains different bio-inspired combinations of eight MPs. We used the softmax classifier to obtain the behavior-movement hierarchical probability model. Secondly, we specified the MPs using movement parameters that are static and dynamic. We obtained the predominant values of the static and dynamic movement parameters using hierarchical clustering and fuzzy C-means
clustering, respectively. These predominant parameters were used for fitting the rat spinal joint trajectory using a second-order Fourier series, and the joint trajectory was generalized using a back propagation neural network with two hidden layers. Finally, the hierarchical probability model and the generalized joint trajectory were mapped to the robot as control policy and commands, respectively. We implemented the six typical behaviors on the robot, and the results show high similarity when compared with the behaviors of actual rats.
Zihang Gao , Guanglu Jia , Hongzhao Xie , Qiang Huang , Toshio Fukuda , Qing Shi . Learning Rat-Like Behavior for a Small-Scale Biomimetic Robot[J]. Engineering, 2022 , 17(10) : 232 -243 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.05.012
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