A Multi-Objective Optimal Experimental Design Framework for Enhancing the Efficiency of Online Model Identification Platforms
Received date: 04 Nov 2018
Published date: 24 Jan 2019
Recent advances in automation and digitization enable the close integration of physical devices with their virtual counterparts, facilitating the real-time modeling and optimization of a multitude of processes in an automatic way. The rich and continuously updated data environment provided by such systems makes it possible for decisions to be made over time to drive the process toward optimal targets. In many manufacturing processes, in order to achieve an overall optimal process, the simultaneous assessment of multiple objective functions related to process performance and cost is necessary. In this work, a multiobjective optimal experimental design framework is proposed to enhance the efficiency of online model-identification platforms. The proposed framework permits flexibility in the choice of trade-off experimental design solutions, which are calculated online—that is, during the execution of experiments. The application of this framework to improve the online identification of kinetic models in flow reactors is illustrated using a case study in which a kinetic model is identified for the esterification of benzoic acid and ethanol in a microreactor.
Arun Pankajakshan , Conor Waldron , Marco Quaglio , Asterios Gavriilidis , Federico Galvanin . A Multi-Objective Optimal Experimental Design Framework for Enhancing the Efficiency of Online Model Identification Platforms[J]. Engineering, 2019 , 5(6) : 1049 -1059 . DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.10.003
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