In an integrated electricity-gas system (IEGS), load fluctuations affect not only the voltage in the power system but also the gas pressure in the natural gas system. The static voltage stability region (SVSR) method is a tool for analyzing the overall static voltage stability in a power system. However, in an IEGS, the SVSR boundary may be overly optimistic because the gas pressure may collapse before the voltage collapses. Thus, the SVSR method cannot be directly applied to an IEGS. In this paper, the concept of the SVSR is extended to the IEGS-static stability region (IEGS-SSR) while considering voltage and gas pressure. First, criteria for static gas pressure stability in a natural gas system are proposed, based on the static voltage stability criteria in a power system. Then, the IEGS-SSR is defined as a set of active power injections that satisfies multi-energy flow (MEF) equations and static voltage and gas pressure stability constraints in the active power injection space of natural gas-fired generator units (NGUs). To determine the IEGS-SSR, a continuation MEF (CMEF) method is employed to trace the boundary point in one specific NGU scheduling direction. A multidimensional hyperplane sampling method is also proposed to sample the NGU scheduling directions evenly. The obtained boundary points are further used to form the IEGS-SSR in 3D space via a Delaunay triangulation hypersurface fitting method. Finally, the numerical results of typical case studies are presented to demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively form the IEGS-SSR, providing a tool for IEGS online monitoring and dispatching.
Yunfei Mu,Zhibin Liu,Xiangwei Guo,Hongjie Jia,Kai Hou,Xiaodan Yu,Bofeng Luo,Hairun Li,
. The Static Stability Region of an Integrated Electricity-Gas System Considering Voltage and Gas Pressure[J]. Engineering,
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DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.12.009