Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Trend Analysis and Policy Recommendation on Aqutic Biosecurity in China
Received date: 03 May 2016
Published date: 20 Mar 2016
The development status and trend of Chinese aquaculture disease control is analyzed in this paper, and basic judgments are made on aquatic biosecurity in China. According to the 13th Five-Year Plan, the paper summerizes the strategic objectives, priorities and principles that will benefit the aquatic biosecurity system in China. Furthermore, in order to provide theoretical support for the sustainable development of Chinese healthy aquaculture, the authors put forward some important suggestions, such as "adjusting the development policies for Chinese aquaculture under the guidance of biosecurity", "actively being geared to international standards to promote Chinese management levels on aquatic animal health", and "quickly launching and implementing a batch of key science and technology R&D programs on aquatic biosecurity". As indicated in this paper, the aquatic biosecurity is at the strategic position of national ecological security and its implementation reflect the governance capacity in aquaculture, and it should be centered on the aquatic biosecurity to lead the upgrade and reconstruction on Chinese aquaculture. It is emphasized that the biosecurity system in national and provincial genetic breeding farms for pedigree and fine varieties of aquatic species should be launched as soon as possible.
Jie Huang , Lingbing Zeng , Xuan Dong , Yan Liang , Guosi Xie , Qingli Zhang . Trend Analysis and Policy Recommendation on Aqutic Biosecurity in China[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2016 , 18(3) : 15 -21 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.03.003
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