Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Assessment of Industrial Maturity Levels: Research and Practice
Received date: 30 May 2016
Published date: 20 Apr 2016
Development of an industry follows an objective cyclical law that is an inevitable progression from technological and manufacturing maturity to a developed market for new products. Based on research into the cyclical law of emerging industries combined with system engineering and data decision making, this thesis uses the industrial maturity levels theory and assessment method to assess the maturities of technology, manufacture, product, market, and industry in a consistent, standardized, and quantitative evaluation method. Comprehensive evaluation results are obtained through the integration of evaluation and judgment data from experts. Finally, this method predicts the emerging industrial trend at the end of 13th Five-Year Plan in 2020. This paper uses the material field in the Chinese Academy of Engineering’s important fund subject of research on the cultivation and development planning of China’s strategic emerging industry in the 13th Five-Year Plan as an example of using industrial maturity levels to assess and predict industrial development trends, to analyze their restrictions, and then to propose targeted policy recommendations.
Liheng Wang , Hailing Tu , Kunsheng Wang , Jianhua Yuan , Hongzhi Ge , Liangyuan Hu , Hainan Wang , Yan Zhao , Yue Lu , Jian Cui . Assessment of Industrial Maturity Levels: Research and Practice[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2016 , 18(4) : 9 -17 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.04.002
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