


Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development Strategies for the Quality and Brand of China’s Manufacturing Industry
Received date: 25 Apr 2017
Published date: 20 Jun 2017
Since the promulgation of Made in China 2025, the central government and many provinces in China have launched numerous action plans and outlines regarding quality development. Meanwhile, they have declared that China is ready to implement the strategy of becoming a global power in manufacturing quality. The concepts of improving quality and brand have become common sense in China's society. However, in order to achieve the strategic target of becoming a global power in manufacturing quality, two critical issues must be solved. First, how should the manufacturing industry adapt its quality and brand to the requirements of the "new normal" of China's economy? And second, how should the manufacturing industry undertake the new mission of supply-side structural reform? These authors examine the new challenges confronting the quality and brand of China's manufacturing industry, and propose action plans and policy suggestions for quality improvement and brand development in the manufacturing industry.
Key words: manufacturing; quality; brand; development strategy
Zhongqin Lin , Lifeng Xi , Jiadong Jiang , Zheng Guo , Ying Liu , Ershun Pan , Yixi Zhao , Yanting Li . Development Strategies for the Quality and Brand of China’s Manufacturing Industry[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2017 , 19(3) : 20 -28 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2017.03.004
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