Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Surface Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Water-Deficient Areas: A Case Study on Jingjinji and the Five Northwestern Provinces and Autonomous Regions in China
Received date: 30 Jun 2017
Published date: 30 Oct 2017
This study discusses the environmental carrying capacity for surface water in different main functional zones in water-deficient areas, such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jingjinji) and the five northwestern provinces and autonomous regions in China. Main function was used as the basic principle to divide control units.This paper analyzes the pollution-bearing capacity of the main functional zones of the Ministry of Water Resources and analyzes pollutant discharge statistics from the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The results show that the ammonia discharge from the priority development regions of Jingjinji and Northwest China is greater than the water environmental carrying capacity, due to emissions from urban life. Pollutant discharge, including chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia, into major agricultural product-producing areas and key protected ecological areas overloaded the capacity of the Jingjinji region, while 19%–73% of the water environmental carrying capacity remained in the five northwestern provinces and autonomous regions in China. Therefore, the environmental and industrial policies for different main functional zones depend on the type of functional zone and on the overloaded condition of the water environmental carrying capacity.
Shengfang Wen , Baoqing Shan , Jing Ma , Wei Deng . Surface Water Environmental Carrying Capacity in Water-Deficient Areas: A Case Study on Jingjinji and the Five Northwestern Provinces and Autonomous Regions in China[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2017 , 19(4) : 88 -96 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2017.04.014
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