Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
“Medical-and-Care Wisdom Linkage” Pension Model Research and Exploration
Received date: 13 Feb 2018
Published date: 17 Aug 2018
China has become an aging society faced with difficult challenges. However, the country’s endowment system is still in the infant stage, and the pension problem has become one of the major problems that need to be solved promptly. Based on China's national policies, this paper proposes a "Medical-and-Care Wisdom Linkage" pension system with a large hospital for diagnosis and treatment as the centerpiece. This system can connect institutional pension models, community pension models, and family pension models by means of the Internet. At the same time, the system uses new cloud-based artificial intelligence for diagnosis and rehabilitation. Related practice has proven that using the Internet, advanced artificial intelligence, and other effective comprehensive treatment technologies to solve the current problems of China?s pension industry has important research value. These are also very promising efforts that are in line with national development strategies and relevant policies.
Xinyu Jin , Qi Xia , Wei Zhang , Lanjuan Li . “Medical-and-Care Wisdom Linkage” Pension Model Research and Exploration[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2018 , 20(2) : 92 -98 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.02.014
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