Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Application Status and Trend of “Internet Plus”Modern Agriculture in China and Abroad
Received date: 22 Mar 2018
Published date: 17 Aug 2018
"Internet Plus" provides new ways and means for agricultural and rural modernization, and is an important starting point of and foothold in the development of modern agriculture in China. Summarizing the domestic and foreign "Internet Plus" modern agricultural development policies and industrial strategic landscapes, this paper analyzes the application status of various technologies. These include the "Internet Plus" modern agriculture embodied large-scale networked application of agriculture in large farms in the United States; integrated agricultural information and intelligent technologies applied to smart precision agricultural equipment in Germany; fine-scale production of smart agricultural machinery in Japan; and high-speed broadband network based, high-efficiency eco-agriculture in Australia. Additionally, this paper analyzes domestic applications such as field planting, facility agriculture, aquaculture, livestock and poultry breeding, and seed industry in China and highlights the development trend of "Internet Plus" modern agriculture in bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, plant protection of drones, and the development and application of smart connected products.
Key words: Internet Plus; modern agriculture; application status; development trend
Chunjiang Zhao , Jin Li , Xian Feng , Meirong Guo . Application Status and Trend of “Internet Plus”Modern Agriculture in China and Abroad[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2018 , 20(2) : 50 -56 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.02.008
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