Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Transforming and Upgrading Nonferrous Metal Industry with Artificial Intelligence
Received date: 24 Aug 2018
Published date: 01 Apr 2018
Nonferrous metals are important fundamental and strategic materials for national economy and the national defense industry. In recent years, the nonferrous metal industry has made great progress in China. However, it is still facing the challenges of green, efficient, and intelligent development. In the nonferrous metal industry, the production conditions are complicated, the raw materials are changeable, and requirements for resources, energies, and environment protection become increasingly strict. Therefore, techniques for sensitive perception, precise operation, intelligent analysis, and quick decision-making are needed for coping with these complex changes and strict requirements. The rapid development of artificial intelligence fitly provides the core techniques for the transformation and upgrading of the nonferrous metal production process. In this paper, three aspects are mainly discussed: development and bottlenecks of the nonferrous metal industry, two cases of transforming and upgrading the nonferrous metal industry with artificial intelligent, and the challenges faced by artificial intelligence in the transformation and upgrading of the nonferrous metal production.
Xiaofeng Yuan , Weihua Gui , Xiaofang Chen , Keke Huang , Chunhua Yang . Transforming and Upgrading Nonferrous Metal Industry with Artificial Intelligence[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2018 , 20(4) : 59 -65 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.04.010
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