
三、2025、2030 年我国主要农产品需求预测

Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Analysis and Prediction of the Supply and Demand of China’s Major Agricultural Products
Received date: 23 Aug 2018
Published date: 30 Nov 2018
Food security has always been a major strategic issue related to national economic development, social stability, and national independence. Clarifying the degree of food security and scientifically estimating the future national food demand are the basic work for formulating food security policies. In 2015, the supply and demand of rice and wheat were basically balanced, corn supply exceeded demand, and soybean was heavily dependent on imports; cotton, oil, and sugar had great dependence on foreign products, of which the self-sufficiency rate of edible vegetable oil was only 36.9%, cotton 87.7%, and sugar 74.4%; supply and demand of livestock products were basically balanced, and milk needs variety regulation.
Key words: food supply and demand; demand forecast; food security
Liu Yang , Luo Qiyou , Zhou Zhenya , You Fei , Gao Mingjie , Tang Qu . Analysis and Prediction of the Supply and Demand of China’s Major Agricultural Products[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2018 , 20(5) : 120 -127 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.05.018
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