Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Overall Development Strategy of China’s New-Generation Nuclear Fuel
Received date: 07 Dec 2018
Published date: 01 Jan 2019
This study analyzed the worldwide status of and development trends in pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel and material technology, fast reactor and other advanced reactor fuel technology, and material technology related to nuclear fuel cycles; and proposed corresponding target, roadmap, and key tasks. PWR has been the dominant reactor type for nuclear power generation and energy structure transformation in China for quite a long time. As an important foundation for the development of PWRs, nuclear fuel and materials have basically achieved localization, but still lack self-reliance in brand. China's fast reactor and fast reactor nuclear fuel development as well as its nuclear fuel cycle industry face significant development opportunities and challenges. This paper puts forward suggestions on the development of nuclear fuels and materials for PWRs, fast reactors, and nuclear fuel cycles in China.
Guanxing Li , Bangxin Zhou , Min Xiao , Yongjun Jiao , Zhongming Ren . Overall Development Strategy of China’s New-Generation Nuclear Fuel[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2019 , 21(1) : 6 -11 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.01.002
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