Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Distribution and Management Policy of Energy Resource Bases in China
Received date: 05 Jan 2019
Published date: 01 Jan 2019
Energy resource bases are strategic core areas for guaranteeing China’s mineral resources security. They shoulder the important mission of ensuring national resources security, and play a significant role in optimizing the spatial development pattern of mineral resources, changing the development mode of mining industry, and promoting high-quality development of the mining industry. In this study, the 103 energy resource bases proposed in National Mineral Resources Planning (2016–2020) were taken as the research objects. The connotation, strategic positioning, basic theoretical foundation, construction tasks, and delimitation principles of the bases were discussed. The distribution situation of the bases was analyzed from the aspects of mineral species as well as regions. Meanwhile, the problems in the delimitation and management of the bases were put forward. For example, their administration has not been included in the provincial development plans, construction plans of the bases are not well formulated, the bases do not match with the state planned mining areas, and incentive policies for the bases are not specific. To provide support for the strategic planning and management of mineral resources, policy suggestions for promoting the construction of energy resource bases were proposed from five aspects: implementation plan, supervision policy, incentive policy, mechanism construction, and security system.
Shangkun Wu , Yuhan Zhang . Distribution and Management Policy of Energy Resource Bases in China[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2019 , 21(1) : 81 -87 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.01.012
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