Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development Status, Challenges, and Solutions of China’s Beef and Mutton Industry
Received date: 20 Aug 2019
Published date: 01 May 2019
The beef and mutton industry plays a strategic role in China in utilizing agricultural resources, improving dietary structure, prosper rural economy, and maintaining national stability. China's beef and mutton industry has made some achievements and is developing from subsidiary production to specialized production. However, it still faces multiple challenges, such as the enlarging demand-supply gap, an unreasonable structure of coarse fodder resources, underdevelopment of cattle and sheep breeds, and increased external competition. This paper proposes several strategic recommendations based on comparative analysis and trend judgment between China and abroad, including integrating the grassland industry and animal husbandry, initiating national key programs to develop key technical links for the beef and mutton industry, improving the reproduction and breeding system, strengthening the slaughtering and processing industry, and providing support for the beef and mutton industry in Southeast China.
Jizhou Ren , Fadi Li , Jianmin Cao , Binglong Li , Gang Xu , Zeng Tang . Development Status, Challenges, and Solutions of China’s Beef and Mutton Industry[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2019 , 21(5) : 67 -73 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.05.014
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