Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Coordinate Conservation with Sustainable Development by Community-Based Co-management: An Analysis of Five Typical Cases in Qinba Mountain Area
Received date: 03 Dec 2019
Published date: 01 Jan 2020
Community-based co-management (CBCM) is considered as an effective approach to coordinate the relations between ecological conservation and sustainable development. This study aims to provide suggestions for optimizing the CBCM system of protected areas in the Qinba Mountain Area by analyzing the coordinated paths, successful experiences, and current issues of typical CBCM cases. By literature review, field investigation, expert interviews, and comparative case studies, we thoroughly analyzed five typical CBCM cases in protected areas in the Qinba Mountain Area, namely Jiuzhaigou, Tangjiahe, Zhuhuan, Taibaishan, and Baishuijiang Nature Reserves. We also summarized 12 coordination approaches of CBCM from the perspectives of government, market, and society; and found 4 successful experiences (leading by government, adopting multiple approaches, reflecting regional characteristics, and making mechanism innovation) as well as 4 major issues (i.e., incomplete eco-industry, low capability of communities, unrecognized eco-cultures, and insufficient state support). At the theoretical level, we analyzed CBCM from three dimensions, namely equity vs. efficiency, centralization vs. decentralization, and public benefits vs. private interests. And at the practical level, we provided policy recommendations at national, regional, and protected area levels.
Yin Zhang , Hailong Liu , Rui Yang . Coordinate Conservation with Sustainable Development by Community-Based Co-management: An Analysis of Five Typical Cases in Qinba Mountain Area[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020 , 22(1) : 111 -119 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.01.011
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