Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development Trend of Laser Technology Application in the Information Field Toward 2035
Laser technology has been widely used in the field of information since it was invented and has promoted the rapid development of information technology, which has become the main driving force for the development of information technology. “Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application in Information by 2035” is a key sub-project of the major consulting project“Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application by 2035” launched by the Chinese Academy of Engineering. It aims to conduct a comprehensive research on the application of laser technology in the information field and on the development of related industries in China; analyze the development trend of laser technology in the information field; and propose suggestions to promote the development of the field. This paper introduces the major application of several laser technologies—optical communication, laser display, optical storage, and optical sensing—in the information field, and analyzes the research and development status of laser technology, the major key technologies, and the development of related industries in China and abroad. To promote the laser technology application in the information field, we suggest that China should establish key research directions and promote the development of core technologies; build an industrial innovation platform to improve technological innovation; lay emphasis on intellectual property protection and strengthen the training of high-end talents; guide the cooperation of government, industry, education, and research to promote achievement transformation; increase policy support and guide the healthy development of the industry; exploit the advantages of industrial agglomeration to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
Research Group of Strategic Research on China’s Laser Technology and Its Application in Information by 2035 . Development Trend of Laser Technology Application in the Information Field Toward 2035[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020 , 22(3) : 7 -13 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.03.002
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