Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Advanced Base Materials for Industrial Textiles: Progress and Countermeasures
Received date: 03 Aug 2020
Published date: 12 Oct 2020
The textile industry is a pillar of China’s national economy and advanced base materials for industrial textiles are critical for China’s textile industry. In this article, we focus on three types of said materials that are widely demanded by the textile industry—nonwoven fiber materials, textile structural materials, and textile composites—considering the key technologies for material manufacturing, material production modes, and industry status. Subsequently, we analyze the development status and trend of the advanced base materials for industrial textiles in China and abroad, summarize the main problems faced by China in this field, and expound the key tasks and core technologies for their development in China. To promote the development of these materials, China should strengthen the overall planning for the industry, improve the national system for supporting science and technology innovation, and foster a group of specialized and excellent enterprises to participate in international competition.
Jinhua Jiang , Nanliang Chen , Xiaoming Qian , Xin Li , Jianyong Yu . Advanced Base Materials for Industrial Textiles: Progress and Countermeasures[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020 , 22(5) : 51 -59 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.05.008
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