Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development of Marine Equipment for Underwater Stereoscopic Observation
Received date: 07 Oct 2020
Published date: 08 Dec 2020
Establishing an underwater stereoscopic observation network to obtain scientific, real-time, and comprehensive data is an important direction for understanding and exploiting the ocean in the future. This study first analyzes the need and necessity of developing the underwater stereoscopic observation equipment, then introduces the development status of the equipment in China and abroad, further analyzes the problems faced by China’s field development, and presents the key breakthrough points of marine sensors which serve as the key link for underwater observation. China has made great progress in technologies regarding marine observation platforms, but it still lags behind the world advanced level in key marine sensors and high-precision sensors. The big data obtained from ocean observation does not match the actual demand, and the ocean sensors lack the support from an improved platform. To guide the long-term development of related fields, we suggest that China should support the efficient transformation of research results of key marine sensors, coordinate the management of the marine equipment for underwater stereoscopic observation, and establish a national public test platform for offshore instruments and equipment.
Rui Ma , Xiutao Zhao , Cungen Liu . Development of Marine Equipment for Underwater Stereoscopic Observation[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020 , 22(6) : 19 -25 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.06.003
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