Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Intelligent Manufacturing Promotes the Comprehensive Upgrading and Innovative Growth of China’s Manufacturing Industry
Received date: 21 Aug 2020
Published date: 08 Dec 2020
Over the past few years, China has seized a historical opportunity to expedite the development of intelligent manufacturing driven by a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. However, the overall development of China’s intelligent manufacturing is still in its infancy. Issues of the unbalanced and inadequate development of intelligent manufacturing remain prominent in China, which could pose great challenges to its future development. In the forthcoming era, China must focus on the comprehensive development of intelligent manufacturing in order to cultivate a manufacturing industry that is both large in scale and strong in its capabilities. The central technology theme is to promote parallel progress and integrated development of “digitalized manufacturing”, “digitalized and networked manufacturing”, and “digitalized, networked, and intelligent manufacturing.” It is essential to integrate digitalized, networked, and intelligent enabling technologies with advanced manufacturing technologies when adopting intelligent manufacturing. In the meantime, firms should search for comprehensive breakthroughs in products and process innovation as well as advances in business models and integrated manufacturing systems. Consequently, the development of intelligent manufacturing will facilitate the pioneering development and intelligent upgrading of manufacturing firms.
Zhihua Zhong , Jiyuan Zang , Jianlin Yan , Zhongzhen Miao , Xiaoying Yang , Yishana Gu . Intelligent Manufacturing Promotes the Comprehensive Upgrading and Innovative Growth of China’s Manufacturing Industry[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2020 , 22(6) : 136 -142 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.06.018
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