Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Strengthening National Strategic Science and Technology Strength to Serve Economic Development
Received date: 10 Oct 2021
Published date: 03 Dec 2021
The establishment of a modern economic system is the strategic goal for economic prosperity in China, and the national strategic science and technology strength is required to provide strategic support, pioneering thoughts, and sustained input and serve as the primary diver in this process. In this study, we first clarify the significance in enhancing the national strategic science and technology strength to serve economic development. Subsequently, we propose an overall approach to enhancing the national strategic science and technology strength by developing an innovation-driven and coordinated modern industrial system. This aims to reshape the landscape of global industrial competition in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation and to determine the role that China plays in global economic arena. We following three aspects: (1) improving actors conducting strategic scientific and technological research, (2) building a network of industrial scientific and technological innovation, and (3) playing a strategic support role. In the end, we provide policy recommendations on such aspects as (1) supporting industrial innovation by implementing different strategies, (2) training the personnel embarking on industrial scientific and technological endeavors, (3) optimizing the environment for industrial innovation, (4) strengthening the support from financial capital market, and (5) developing a professional scientific and technological service system.
Guangzu Bai , Xianke Peng , Bao Wang , Xiaoyang Cao , Bingxin Xu , Siyuan Sun , Qiang Wang , Jiawen Xia . Strengthening National Strategic Science and Technology Strength to Serve Economic Development[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2021 , 23(6) : 120 -127 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.06.019
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