Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Strategy for Promoting the Basic Capabilities of Frontier New Materials Industry
Received date: 09 Aug 2021
Published date: 26 Apr 2022
In this article, we focus on the current status and problems regarding the basic capabilities of the frontier new materials industry in cutting-edge fields such as brain-like intelligence, artificial intelligence, deep space exploration, network security, and efficient energy conversion. Considering the phased development plans in 2025 and 2035, we propose the development goals and strategies for promoting the basic capabilities of China’s frontier new materials industry in terms of scientific and technological innovation, support, competitiveness, sustainable development, infrastructure construction, and industrial ecological environment. To meet the requirements of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation for frontier new materials, countermeasures and suggestions are proposed from the following aspects: material genetic engineering, double circulation, carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and testing and characterization of independent frontier new materials.
Xuefeng Liu , Changsheng Liu , Jianxin Xie . Strategy for Promoting the Basic Capabilities of Frontier New Materials Industry[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2022 , 24(2) : 29 -37 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.006
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