Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Industrial Textile Materials in China: Development Status, Demand and Countermeasure
Received date: 15 Dec 2021
Published date: 26 Apr 2022
Industrial textile materials are a new type of functional or structural basic materials processed by weaving, knitting, or nonweaving of fibrous materials. They have been widely applied to aerospace, national defense, ocean engineering, energy, environmental protection, transportation, civil construction, and other fields. The vigorous development of industrial textile materials can significantly promote the manufacturing industry of China, transform and upgrade China’s textile industry into an emerging resource industry, and contribute to the international and domestic dual circulation of China’s textile industry. In this paper, the development status, application scenarios, industrial demand, and manufacturing technologies of industrial textile materials are analyzed, the development direction and focus of relevant technologies and equipment are clarified, and development countermeasures are proposed. Specifically, China needs to formulate special policies to coordinate the technological research, equipment development, production, and application of the industry, establish a standards system for industrial textile equipment, and build systems for innovative services and talent training.
Xi Hou , Shujia Li , He Ye , Ruwang Yuan , Jiancheng Yang , Zhuo Meng , Xianmin Zhu , Ge Chen . Industrial Textile Materials in China: Development Status, Demand and Countermeasure[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2022 , 24(2) : 123 -131 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.019
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