Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Construction Path of Smart Health Care Platform for the Elderly in China
Received date: 25 Oct 2021
Published date: 26 Apr 2022
China has a large elderly population and its aging speed is accelerating, which pose a significant challenge for the country to cope with problems induced by population ageing. To address this, it is necessary to establish a smart health care platform for the elderly in China using modern technologies. In this paper, we analyze the construction background, concept, and development status of smart health care platforms for the elderly in China. Using the smart health care platform established in Xihu District of Hangzhou City as a case, we analyze the construction model and challenges of the platform and summarize the common features of the platforms in China. Moreover, we propose an implementation path for platform development in China. The platform should be built to contribute to the establishment of a Healthy China using scientific and technological means and based on the interconnection of national health care information and data; service resources need to be mobilized to provide a community-based comprehensive service; remote health data monitoring and health management are required to strengthen information support; and geographical advantages need to be maximized to promote local elderly health care industries. Furthermore, we suggest that China should accelerate the construction of its health care industry as well as the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, improve the health assessment system for guaranteeing the physical and mental health of the elderly, accelerate the construction of the relevant standards system, and coordinate urban–rural development in this industry.
Hanpo Hou , He Wei , Yingchao Wang , Jin Yu , Guixing Qiu . Construction Path of Smart Health Care Platform for the Elderly in China[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2022 , 24(2) : 170 -178 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.023
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