一、 前言
二、 区域大气PM2.5和O3污染成因与控制策略
三、 气候变化与区域复合污染双向影响与调控策略
四、 区域空气质量调控路线图与跨学科治理体系
Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Strategical Research on Refined Regulations for Regional Air Quality with Climate Synergy
Received date: 18 Apr 2022
Published date: 05 Jan 2023
Strategical research on the refined regulations for regional air quality with climate synergy is essential for continuously improving the air quality, creating a coordinated multi-pollutants reduction path, and promoting sustainable development in China.This study analyzed the evolution characteristics of regional air pollution, the multi-pollutant interaction mechanisms, and the effectiveness of air pollution prevention and control strategies and technologies. Multi-perspective analysis and integrated research were conducted to clarify the non-linear relationship among multiple pollutants and formulate a technology system for refined regional regulation. The interaction between climate change and air pollution was explored as well. By summarizing the current technical routes for air pollution and control, the medium- and long-term air quality improvement strategies and roadmaps were proposed. Considering the current situation of air pollution in China, the regulation on atmospheric oxidation is the core for the coordinated control of PM2.5 and O3 pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously promote emission reduction of primary pollutants and conduct refined and coordinated reduction of VOCs and NOx emissions considering specific climate and meteorological conditions. Additionally, coordinated emission reduction of multiple types of pollutants can be realized through adjustment of energy,transportation, industry, and landuse structures as well as low-carbon transformation, thereby synchronously reducing the PM2.5 and O3 concentrations.
Zhijun Wu , Zhili Wang , Qiang Zhang , Keding Lu , Xin Li , Jianlin Hu , Song Guo , Jia Xing , Dan Tong , Deying Wang , Jingnan Hu , Yu Lei , Shuxiao Wang , Shanling Gong , Min Hu , Xiaoye Zhang , Kebin He , Yuanhang Zhang . Strategical Research on Refined Regulations for Regional Air Quality with Climate Synergy[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2022 , 24(6) : 164 -172 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.06.015
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