一、 前言
二、 数字化设计类工业软件价值分析
三、 国内外工业软件发展现状
省份 | 数量/家 |
北京 | 203 |
上海 | 161 |
广东 | 145 |
江苏 | 115 |
浙江 | 56 |
湖北 | 33 |
山东 | 21 |
辽宁 | 16 |
福建 | 14 |
四川 | 13 |
陕西 | 12 |
重庆 | 11 |
Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development Strategies of Industrial Software for Digital Design
Received date: 22 Nov 2022
Published date: 05 Jul 2023
Industrial software for digital design is a mainstay of industrial software and the foundation for intelligent manufacturing; however, a large gap exists between relevant domestic industries and the international frontier. Therefore, it is urgent to improve these software to support China’s manufacturing sector to enter the international advanced ranks. This study explores the significance of the industrial software for digital design, reviews the development status of industrial software in China and abroad, and analyzes the challenges faced by related industries in China. Key breakthrough directions are summarized, including seamless integration of structural computer-aided design/computer-aided engineering software and optimization software; design, analysis, and optimization integrated software driven by geometric features; simulation calculation and analysis featuring multi-body, multi-state, and multiphysical field coupling; cloudification and customization of industrial software; and heterogeneous parallel computing supported by algorithm strategies. Furthermore, we propose the following suggestions: (1) sorting out subdivided areas and formulating targeted industry support policies, (2) encouraging software enterprises to draw on each other’s strengths and formulating unified domestic standards, (3) providing targeted support for small- and medium-sized enterprises to expand their customer market, (4) mproving personnel training programs to gather high-end research staff, and (5) strengthening basic research and exploiting the advantages of domestic innovation market.
Liang Gao , Peigen Li , Pei Huang , Zhen Yang , Jie Gao . Development Strategies of Industrial Software for Digital Design[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2023 , 25(2) : 254 -262 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.07.017
省份 | 数量/家 |
北京 | 203 |
上海 | 161 |
广东 | 145 |
江苏 | 115 |
浙江 | 56 |
湖北 | 33 |
山东 | 21 |
辽宁 | 16 |
福建 | 14 |
四川 | 13 |
陕西 | 12 |
重庆 | 11 |
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