Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Approaches for the Inclusive Development of China’s Agricultural and Food System
Received date: 22 May 2023
Published date: 08 Sep 2023
The inclusive development of agricultural and food systems is crucial for realizing rural revitalization and Chinese path to modernization considering China's basic national condition of being a large country with small farmers, and it is also an important aspect of common prosperity and global sustainable development. This study explores the implications and characteristics of inclusive development of the agricultural and food systems and identifies four prominent problems existing in promoting the effective connection between small farmers and agricultural modernization, improving the food demand and public service support systems for vulnerable groups, enhancing the resilience of agricultural industrial and supply chains, and establishing a fair, shared, and sustainable public-service system necessary for the agricultural and food systems. Moreover, four key systems are proposed aimed at overcoming scientific and technological challenges critical to the agricultural system, developing food science and technology while improving the food supply chain, promoting the inclusive development of agricultural and food systems, and establishing an inclusive agricultural and food system. Furthermore, the following suggestions are proposed: (1) ensuring food security to guarantee the inclusive development of vulnerable groups, (2) forming a large-scale grain security pattern while adhering to an all-encompassing approach to food,(3) optimizing the circulation and distribution systems using digital technologies, (4) establishing a shared and inclusive agricultural and food system through regional coordination, and (5) unblocking the entire chain channels of agricultural and food systems.
Zhen Yan , Wenrong Qian , Weibin Hu , Jingquan Yu . Approaches for the Inclusive Development of China’s Agricultural and Food System[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2023 , 25(4) : 109 -119 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.04.010
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