Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Development Strategy of Vehicle-Energy-Road-Cloud Collaboration in the New Technological Situation
Received date: 19 Dec 2023
Published date: 22 May 2024
Vehicle ‒ energy‒road‒ cloud collaboration seamlessly integrates vehicles, energy, transportation, and the cloud, which is conducive to accelerating the formation of a new intelligent, low-carbon, safe, and efficient ecosystem of travel and life. The collaboration aims to promote the high-quality development of the automobile industry. However, in the new technological situation, further forming a sound ecology that features “intelligent car + interactive energy + digital road + collaborative cloud” and exploiting its value advantages are important tasks for the vehicle‒energy‒road‒cloud collaboration in China. This study analyzes the development trend of China’s automobile industry in the context of new energy transformation, the development of intelligent connected vehicles, artificial intelligence, carbon neutrality, and other new technological situations. It introduces the system composition, current development status, interrelationships, and overall framework of the vehicle‒energy‒road‒cloud industry from five aspects: vehicle, energy, road, cloud, and industry integration. This study also summarizes the opportunities and challenges faced by the integrated development of China’s vehicle‒energy‒road‒cloud industry. Based on this analysis, this study proposes countermeasures and suggestions for the vehicle ‒ energy‒ road ‒ cloud collaboration, covering five aspects: adhering to an application-oriented principle, promoting positive innovation, demonstrating city-level applications, leveraging diversified investments, and promoting the efficient development of circular industries. These suggestions aim to provide references for the high-quality collaboration of China’s vehicle, energy, road, and cloud industries, thereby strengthening the automobile, transportation, and manufacturing sectors of China.
Chao Yue , Jiaru Zhong , Qili Ning , Xiaohui Chen , Chao Sun , Wenwei Wang , Yubo Lian , Keqiang Li , Fengchun Sun . Development Strategy of Vehicle-Energy-Road-Cloud Collaboration in the New Technological Situation[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2024 , 26(1) : 45 -58 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.01.003
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