Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Construction of Near-Zero-Carbon Manufacturing System under the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Received date: 30 Aug 2023
Published date: 22 May 2024
The carbon peaking and carbon neutralization goals as well as the carbon trading system reforms of the European Union (EU) necessitate the synergy of energy conservation, pollution control, and carbon reduction in China to achieve low- and zero-carbon transformation of its manufacturing industry. This study focuses on the impact of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on China’s manufacturing industry, clarifies the concept of a near-zero-carbon manufacturing system, and elaborates on its core content from the major dimensions of key technologies, measurement basis, and market driving force. It also proposes the technical development directions of the near-zero-carbon manufacturing system from the aspects of product manufacturing and power supply and suggests the establishment of a source-grid-load carbon measurement system to clarify carbon emission responsibilities. Moreover, the future development path for China’s carbon market is explored after reviewing the carbon markets both in China and abroad. The practical solutions proposed by the study is expected to provide a basic reference for promoting the high-quality development and low-carbon transformation of China’s manufacturing industry.
Runting Cheng , Yongjun Zhang , Licheng Li , Maosheng Ding , Jingchun Lin , Chunfeng Zhang , Yongxia Han . Construction of Near-Zero-Carbon Manufacturing System under the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2024 , 26(1) : 68 -79 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.07.037
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