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《机械工程前沿(英文)》 >> 2007年 第2卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-007-0027-5

A novel decoupling approach to an integrated optical-fiber proximity sensor for robots

School of Mechanical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China;

发布日期: 2007-06-05

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The structure and the working principle of a self-compensational integrated optical-fiber proximity sensor that detects distance and orientation are introduced in this paper. The corresponding decoupling approach to the sensor is presented on the basis of multiscale characteristics. The decoupling process can be divided into two parts: classifying the information on the basis of the multiscale degree and solving the coupling equation via the computational approximation methods with different precisions. Finally, the principle, the physical meaning, and the implementation process of the approach are discussed. They indicate that the proposed approach is real-time and accurate, and can be applied to other similar circumstances.
