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《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第3期   页码 32-39 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.03.013


随着我国社会治理重心下沉,城乡社区逐渐成为社会治理的着力点,与此同时,现有城乡社区治理标准面临难以满足城乡社区治理现代化新需求的严峻挑战,亟需构建城乡社区治理标准体系。本文旨在开展城乡社区治理标准体系的发展战略研究,分析了当前我国城乡社区治理发展的标准化需求,梳理了国内外与城乡社区治理相关的标准体系发展现状,凝练了我国城乡社区治理标准化发展存在的问题,研究提出了我国城乡社区治理标准体系的初步架构方案及重点发展方向,涵盖总体、社区基础设施、社区信息化平台、社区自治、社区管理、社区服务6 个方面。结合新时代城乡社区治理重点和短板,本文从加强标准化顶层设计、开展试点示范、注重多方参与、坚持城乡统筹、加强人才培养5 个方面提出了对策建议。

关键词: 城乡社区     社区治理     标准体系     社区服务     社区信息化    

Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期   页码 357-374 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0763-y

摘要: Food consumption is necessary for human survival. On a global scale, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission related to food consumption accounts for 19%–29% of the total GHG emission. China has the largest population in the world, which is experiencing a rapid development. Under the background of urbanization and the adjustment of the diet structure of Chinese residents, it is critical to mitigate the overall GHG emission caused by food consumption. This study aims to employ a single-region input-output (SRIO) model and a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) model to measure GHG emission generated from food consumption in China and compare the contributions of different industrial sectors, uncovering the differences between urban and rural residents and among different provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities), as well as identifying the driving forces of GHG emission from food consumption at a national level. The results indicate that the total GHG emission generated from food consumption in China tripled from 157 Mt CO2e in 2002 to 452 Mt CO2e in 2017. The fastest growing GHG emission is from the consumption of other processed food and meat products. Although GHG emissions from both urban and rural residents increased, the gap between them is increasing. Agriculture, processing and manufacture of food, manufacture of chemical and transportation, storage and post services sectors are key sectors inducing food consumption related GHG emissions. From a regional perspective, the top five emission provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities) include Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Based on such results, policy recommendations are proposed to mitigate the overall GHG emission from food consumption.

关键词: greenhouse gas (GHG) emission     food consumption     industry sectors     mitigation measures     urban governance    

Nexus security: governance, innovation and the resilient city


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 640-657 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0549-5

摘要: Nexus security is a compound mix of ideas: reconciling human needs and wants with access to multiple resources; diversity of access to those resources and services; resilience in the face of weather- and climate-related variability; resilience likewise in the face of infrastructure failure; and the personal, individual sense of belonging. At the level of Systems Thinking there is a very close relationship between resilience in the behavior of natural (ecological) systems and resilience in the social dynamics of governance within communities, where such resilience establishes the viability of these communities over centuries, which in turn entails successful stewardship of the man-environment relationship. We use insights from this cross-system mapping — across natural, built, and human systems — to assess, first, the role of city governance in achieving nexus security (or not) and, second, the role of technological innovations in serving the same purpose. More specifically, eight principles, covering resilience and diversity of access to resources and services, are used to gauge security-enhancing features of city buildings and infrastructure. Case studies include new designs of resilient office blocks, nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) recovery systems for sanitation and wastewater treatment, and the reconstruction of urban parks for the provision of ecosystem services. Throughout the paper, matters of risk in the face of meteorological variability are prominent. We do not conclude, however, that the presence of risk implies nexus security.

关键词: cities as forces for good     climate variability     ecosystem services     energy and nutrient recovery     infrastructure failure     urban metabolism    



《中国工程科学》 2019年 第21卷 第2期   页码 21-26 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.02.018



关键词: 乡村规划     城市规划     正式治理     公共政策     公共产品    

Platform governance in the era of AI and the digital economy

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第1期   页码 177-182 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0241-1

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Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 463-482 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017054

摘要: This paper considers multiple perspectives to explore the concept of high-speed railway (HSR), rationally abstract its value formation mechanism, and quantitatively measure its actual performance. This paper analyzes the governance potential of major countries in the high-speed railway value chain and studies the feasible ways and development strategies to enhance the high-speed railway governance in China. Findings of this paper are as follows. First, the government, as the early manager of high-speed railway governance, has given way to Siemens and other integrated enterprises. Second, the high-speed railway standard output has become the core competitiveness that embodies high-speed railway. Third, the global high-speed railway market presents a hierarchical high-speed railway governance model and changes to a modular approach to governance.

关键词: high-speed railway value     communication value     high-speed railway value governance     governance path upgrade    

Corporate governance impact on banking risk


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第2期   页码 182-195 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0034-3

摘要: This study aims to determine the relationship between several factors of governance and the level of risk in 10 Tunisian banks during an analysis period of eight years. We propose an important empirical question and examine the internal mechanisms of governance aimed at reducing financial risks. This estimation is based on a model with a single equation that examines variables relative to governance and credit risk to determine their impact on banking financials. Results demonstrate that the internal mechanisms of governance present diverging effects on the financial risk of the Tunisian banks in our case study (i.e., credit risk). Moreover, making applications work by putting together a process and model for banking risk is important. This model can be applied in any bank, and the results can be used to make decisions in real time.

关键词: bank governance     banking risk     process decision     modeling     architecture    

Decision-making governance for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in China

Yongling ZHU, Qianqian SHI, Qian LI, Zhimei YIN

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 30-39 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018087

摘要: The complexity of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the political environment of “One country, Two systems” have brought a vital influence on the decision-making recognition, decision-making analysis, and decision-making management related to this cross-border infrastructure mega-project. Based on case study, this study systematically analyzes the complexity of the decision-making related to the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and explains the general principles that were used for its decision-making management. The research examines the decision-making management system of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, its adaptive behavior, and specific coordination mechanism on different decision-making problems in different decision-making stages. This result provides reference for decision-making management system design of cross-border projects.

关键词: decision-making governance     Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge     governance mechanism    

Digital technology-driven smart society governance mechanism and practice exploration

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第2期   页码 319-338 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0200-x

摘要: A smart society is an advanced form of society following agricultural society, industrial society, and information society, with digital data processing system as its main carrier. However, the governance of a smart society still faces many challenges. In view of this problem, first, this research constructs a smart society governance modernization strategy. Second, the innovation mode of a society governance mechanism driven by digital technology is proposed, including the precise intellectual control of a digital twin, the intelligent ubiquitous sensing of the Internet of Things, the empowerment remodeling of a blockchain and the livelihood service of artificial intelligence. Third, this study systematically explores the practice of smart society governance modernization from the aspects of basic information platform construction, evaluation system construction, application demonstration of epidemic prevention and control driven by big data, support of spatial intelligence and artificial intelligence technology for people’s livelihood, smart campus, public resources, and data governance application demonstration to provide theoretical guidance for promoting digital technology innovation in the process of the governance of a smart society.

关键词: digital technology     new infrastructure     smart society     governance system     governance modernization    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第4期   页码 593-606 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023522


Ensuring food safety while reducing agricultural non-point source pollution is quite challenging, especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. Effective systematic strategies and comprehensive technologies need to be developed for agricultural non-point source pollution control at the watershed scale to improve surface water quality. In this review, a proposal is made for a full time-space governance strategy that prioritizes source management followed by endpoint water pollution control. The 4R chain technology system is specifically reviewed, including source reduction, process retention, nutrient reuse and water restoration. The 4R chain technology system with the full time-space governance strategy was applied at the scale of an administrative village and proved to be a feasible solution for reducing agricultural non-point source pollution in China. In the future, a monitoring system needs to be established to trace N and P transport. Additionally, new smart fertilizer and intelligent equipment need to be developed, and relevant governance standards and supportive policies need to be set to enhance the efficacy of agricultural non-point source pollution control.

关键词: 4R chain technology system     agricultural non-point source pollution     case study     full time-space governance strategy    

Making central-local relations work: Comparing America and China environmental governance systems


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 418-433 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0068-3

摘要: The challenge of making central requirements work at local levels is a common problem for environmental governance throughout the world. Countries can learn from one another s approaches, but must understand the local context in w

Appreciating the role of big data in the modernization of environmental governance

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第1期   页码 163-169 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0185-x

Distributed governance of Solar Radiation Management geoengineering: A possible solution to SRM’s “free-driver


《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第4期   页码 551-556 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0055-y

摘要: Geoengineering (deliberate climate modification) is a possible way to limit Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) (Shepherd, 2009; National Research Council, 2015). Solar Radiation Management geoengineering (SRM) offers relatively inexpensive, rapid temperature control. However, this low cost leads to a risk of controversial unilateral intervention—the “free-driver” problem (Weitzman, 2015). Consequently, this creates a risk of counter-geoengineering (deliberate warming) (Parker et al., 2018), resulting in governance challenges (Svoboda, 2017) akin to an arms race. Free-driver deployment scenarios previously considered include the rogue state, Greenfinger (Bodansky, 2013), or power blocs (Ricke et al., 2013), implying disagreement and conflict. We propose a novel distributed governance model of consensually-constrained unilateralism: Countries’ authority is limited to each state’s fraction of the maximum realistic intervention (e.g., pre-industrial temperature). We suggest a division of authority based on historical emissions (Rocha et al., 2015)—noting alternatives (e.g., population). To aid understanding, we offer an analogue: An over-heated train carriage, with passenger-controlled windows. We subsequently discuss the likely complexities, notably Coasian side-payments. Finally, we suggest further research: Algebraic, bot and human modeling; and observational studies.

关键词: geoengineering     Solar Radiation Management     governance     decentralised    

Climate change and China’s mega urban regions

Chaolin GU, Sunsheng HAN

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第4期   页码 418-430 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0075-5

摘要: China’s mega urban regions are focal points of economic development and environmental concerns. This paper positions four mega urban regions (i.e., the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Bohai Bay Area, and the South-eastern Fujian Province) along China’s coast into the national economy and elaborates their development challenges and planning innovations. Mega urban regions in China are spatial consequences of rapid economic transition. They deserve close scrutiny and demands for innovative planning responses in order to maintain their key role in driving economic growth but limiting their greenhouse gas emission.

关键词: climate change     mega urban region     urban planning    

Treatability aspects of urban stormwater stressors

Anthony N. TAFURI, Richard FIELD

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第5期   页码 631-637 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0420-0

摘要: Pollution from diffuse sources (pollution from contaminants picked up and carried into surface waters by stormwater runoff) has been identified as a significant source of water quality problems in the U.S. scientists and engineers continue to seek solutions that will allow them to optimize existing technologies and develop new ones that will provide the best possible protection to people, wildlife, and the environment. This paper addresses the various pollutants or stressors in urban stormwater, including flow (shear force), pathogens, suspended solids/sediment, toxicants (organic and metals), nutrients, oxygen demanding substances, and coarse solids. A broad overview of the pollutants removed and the removal mechanisms by and of conventional best management practices (BMPs) is also presented. The principal treatment mechanisms of conventional wet ponds, vegetative swales/buffer strips, and wetlands are sedimentation and filtration. These mechanisms have the capability to remove significant amounts of suspended solids or particulate matter and are a vital component of strategies to reduce pollutant loads to receiving waters. In addition, because most of the nation’s receiving water violations are caused by pathogen indicator bacteria, it is of utmost importance that research efforts address this problem. Further research is also needed on the treatment of emerging contaminants in BMPs and on the costs and affects of maintenance and maintenance schedules on the long-term performance of BMPs.

关键词: stormwater     wet weather flow     urban runoff    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作




Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a


Nexus security: governance, innovation and the resilient city






Platform governance in the era of AI and the digital economy


Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG


Corporate governance impact on banking risk



Decision-making governance for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in China

Yongling ZHU, Qianqian SHI, Qian LI, Zhimei YIN


Digital technology-driven smart society governance mechanism and practice exploration




Making central-local relations work: Comparing America and China environmental governance systems



Appreciating the role of big data in the modernization of environmental governance


Distributed governance of Solar Radiation Management geoengineering: A possible solution to SRM’s “free-driver



Climate change and China’s mega urban regions

Chaolin GU, Sunsheng HAN


Treatability aspects of urban stormwater stressors

Anthony N. TAFURI, Richard FIELD
